
So important question for our friendship. What you'll say if I like took down my "That's no me" story and completely re-wrote it and then uploaded like finish book. 
          	Like tbh, im cringing at everything I have wrote. I want your honest opinion on the book. because I feel like its not that good.


@AdrienneDiorXVI I wouldn't mjmd but I do love that book, and will be sad to not read it, however it'll be even better when you finish woth it


@AdrienneDiorXVI I would be sad to see that book go as it is most definitely one of my favourites but I guess it is up to you in the end. 


So important question for our friendship. What you'll say if I like took down my "That's no me" story and completely re-wrote it and then uploaded like finish book. 
          Like tbh, im cringing at everything I have wrote. I want your honest opinion on the book. because I feel like its not that good.


@AdrienneDiorXVI I wouldn't mjmd but I do love that book, and will be sad to not read it, however it'll be even better when you finish woth it


@AdrienneDiorXVI I would be sad to see that book go as it is most definitely one of my favourites but I guess it is up to you in the end. 


Just curious, how many chapters left for ‘That’s not me’?


Okay, but take it’s slow writers block can suck. Hope you’re okay and I can’t wait for more when you’re ready to post


To be honest I do not know. Originally I wanted at least 40 because I didn’t want a long story but I’m honestly having such a hard time with writers block I’m not sure. But what I do know is it’s not done yet. 


Hey I wnate dot tell you that I live the that's not me story because although there are a few nods towards it, there is not much mention of homophobia which I like since I can imagine being in a world where I can be who I wanna with no one evening judging
          Thanks Xx ❤ 


Hey I was wondering if I could make a story or you could help me or you can make a story about the devil on l.a it’s my favourite I will give you full credit for whole story if need 


Lol it’s up to you. If you want me to create it. I’ll be more then happy too. But if you wanna go for it then by all means. Whatever is easier I’ll more then willing. 