
That feeling when you finally finish a book you started a year ago...
          	Feels great!


@AdventCourier Life is busy I get that so I'll wait.


@spacebar55999 Have been on and off, I've actually written some disjointed thoughts about a possible AoT story, but I've never really been able to come up with a solid, cohesive plot that I found that I liked enough to write a long story about. Life is pretty busy, but I do want to get back into writing at some point in the near-ish future.


@AdventCourier It's been about 2 years are you done pre-writing your stories yet?


Are you still alive? 


@SAINT-XIV Yup. I still use Wattpad every so often. Haven't really done much in a few years though. I have a ton of drafts spanning a wide variety of media, but never really had the time to flesh them out or actually write complete stories. Maybe someday I'll have the time to pick up writing as a hobby again. But, y'know college life is constant work and hustling.


Have you ever considered trying to make your lost legend story canon?


@Mrforest2798 Nah, never lol. I made that story so long ago and looking back in hindsight, it really does not fit the traditional PJO series at all, from the character personalities and the story was a bit scattered. It's really not a well-written fanfic tbh, but I keep it up because it somehow got a monstrous amount of attention which is cool, but it is definitely better left just as a fanfic.


I know I am late to this this amazing piece of work but this is one of the best fanfiction I have ever read I hope you write some more fanfics


actually i am reading this fanfic for what i dont remember 4 or 5 times and whenever i read its still awesome . I replied today as I saw the logged back on watpad today and this is what i started reading again


@Wolflover20224 Thanks for reading such an old story. Maybe someday I'll write another fanfiction with a more cohesive plot and overall structure, but its nice to see some people like my old story from time to time.


You still alive also love lost legend any chance of a one shot 


@Percyjackson1010 Still alive and breathing! Thanks for liking the story. At this point there's sadly little chance of a one-shot, but I have thought about writing one in the past. Honestly I think my writing has just changed so drastically since I wrote that story years ago and I haven't been too eager to go back to it. But who knows, maybe one day I'll change my mind and muster the creative imagination to write a one-shot.


I agree, a One shot would be cool.


your book was the first book i read on Wattpad back in 2017, and I found it through a recommendation from a friend. nearly four years and several hundred books read later I still find that yours holds a special place in my heart. thank you for introducing me to this world.


@some_good_whiskey Wow! Thanks a lot! It's been years since I wrote it, and I often think about all the ways in which I could have made the story better seeing as how much my writing has developed since then, such as better pacing, fixing errors in the plot and grammar, etc. At the end of the day though, I'm glad many people seemed to enjoy the story for all its little quirks and oddities. Thanks for reading in the first place!