
Hello All,
          	My life was turned upside down two weeks ago. I lost my mom on 20th May. We finished all the rituals yesterday. 
          	My mom was my strength and my biggest supporter. When I began to write Shrishti Reborn last year, she was very excited about it and this whole year she encouraged me and would get as happy as me when the stats would go up or when I would get a new reader or even when some of you would leave heart warming comments. She believed in my talent as a storyteller and actually saw me as a good writer. 
          	She is no more but I will continue to write. Because she would not want me to stop.
          	In other words, I will be back this week. The updates will be irregular due to my unstable emotional state but trust me, there will be updates. 
          	Thank you, take care. Love you all.


@Ana_Storylover take your time to heal and take care.may your mother rest in peace


@Ana_Storylover hey love! Take it slow it's ok! You are picking yourself back up slowly and it's good. Take good care of yourself and your mental health first. You are more important. 


@Ana_Storylover I am so sorry for your loss, dear. Please take care and take all the time you need. May your mother rest in peace. Please take more care of yourself and your lived ones..


Hello All,
          My life was turned upside down two weeks ago. I lost my mom on 20th May. We finished all the rituals yesterday. 
          My mom was my strength and my biggest supporter. When I began to write Shrishti Reborn last year, she was very excited about it and this whole year she encouraged me and would get as happy as me when the stats would go up or when I would get a new reader or even when some of you would leave heart warming comments. She believed in my talent as a storyteller and actually saw me as a good writer. 
          She is no more but I will continue to write. Because she would not want me to stop.
          In other words, I will be back this week. The updates will be irregular due to my unstable emotional state but trust me, there will be updates. 
          Thank you, take care. Love you all.


@Ana_Storylover take your time to heal and take care.may your mother rest in peace


@Ana_Storylover hey love! Take it slow it's ok! You are picking yourself back up slowly and it's good. Take good care of yourself and your mental health first. You are more important. 


@Ana_Storylover I am so sorry for your loss, dear. Please take care and take all the time you need. May your mother rest in peace. Please take more care of yourself and your lived ones..


Hello my dear Readers,
          I am posting the next chapter a day early! Why? Because today is the one year anniversary of Shrishti Reborn! Yes, folks! A year ago today, I posted the first chapter! I am so happy to see that a story that I wrote on a whim ended up becoming something that so many people loved. Just for that, I am thankful to all of you.
          Now onto some bad news! This month I actually had some plans regarding the anniversary. Some extra chapters were on schedule too. Sadly, last Friday my mom fell sick and this Sunday I had to get her admitted in the hospital. She is in ICU currently. I have been staying at the hospital this whole time. I will keep you all posted as things go. 
          The chapter posted today was already ready. It just needed some editing. So I came home today just to post it and wish you all. Having said that, from now on, this story is going on hiatus for a week or two. Once my Mom is back home, I will get back to writing. I hope you all would not mind waiting till then. 
          Thank you everyone. Please pray for her speedy recovery.
          Take care.


Congratulations on completing a year of the book!!


Hello All,
          We have reached half century with this story. I am so happy and so thankful for all your support and love till now. Please keep supporting me like this in future too.
          I wanted to do something special for this milestone chapter and my brain supplied with the idea. Why not clue Shrishti in about Raghav's feelings? So here is the Chapter 50 of Shrishti Reborn! "He likes me?"
          P.S. Thank you everyone for your kind comments.  I will reply to all your comments in few days. We are facing water and electricity shortage here.


@DNYANADA234 Glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you so much for supporting me. I appreciate it and I hope to keep you entertained in future too.


@Ana_Storylover I'm a big fan of yours and I hope you keep writing.❤❤


@Ana_Storylover I absolutely love this chapter!! 


Hello All,
          Chapter 49 of Shrishti Reborn is up! "Stranded at college."
          Shrishti gets stranded at college in the middle of heavy rains. 
          But no worries. Sharad is there! 
          Not happy with that option? 
          No worries. Her friends are there. 
          Oh look! Raghav arrived too. 
          Shrishti will be fine!
          Thank you. Have fun.


Hello All,
          Chapter 47 of Shrishti Reborn is up! "The Freshers' Party"
          Summary: Shrishti has fun with her friends at the party.
          Thank you. Have fun.
          P.S. A big thanks to everyone who voted and commented. You guys light up my days.


@Ana_Storylover and you light us up by giving such an amazing chapters. ❤️