
This is a reminder to everyone that the books with [Amazon Edition] on them are available on amazon. It seems some people can't be bothered to read the author notes to learn this fact. 
          	That being said, I do plan to put "Rejection on the Full Moon" for free on Amazon May 30th as it is my birthday, and this is my gift to my readers.
          	Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess and Rejection to the Alpha King's Daughter will be on sale for that day as well!!


@Angel-Lunair your welcome, love reading what you write


@lonelygirl2323  thank you so much for your support! 


@Angel-Lunair I have bought all the books, you have on Amazon right now, excited to read them again, congradulations by the way


This is a reminder to everyone that the books with [Amazon Edition] on them are available on amazon. It seems some people can't be bothered to read the author notes to learn this fact. 
          That being said, I do plan to put "Rejection on the Full Moon" for free on Amazon May 30th as it is my birthday, and this is my gift to my readers.
          Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess and Rejection to the Alpha King's Daughter will be on sale for that day as well!!


@Angel-Lunair your welcome, love reading what you write


@lonelygirl2323  thank you so much for your support! 


@Angel-Lunair I have bought all the books, you have on Amazon right now, excited to read them again, congradulations by the way


          This weekend, "Rejecting the Future Moon Goddess" will be free on amazon! I know you all loved the original works to the Rejection Series and have been seeing many of you loving the amazon versions, so if you haven't, now is your chance to grab a free copy!


          I have started working on my next hook and am super excited! I will explain which one I am working on later but just know another book will be finished soon!


@Softail3543 actually, that one of the books I am finishing 


            Do you have plans on finishing  The Crown? It's a great book and alot of readers would love to finish it.  Keep up the great work.  You are a great author.


Wolf Pack!
          If you are waiting for weekly updates of From Prisoner to Princess, well wait no further!
          As of right now, the e-book is currently available on amazon! I will say there are a lot of changes, one of them being Mika was changed to Kian [Kai-ann] because....well we have a Mika in the Rejection Series and he is going to have his own book soon...
          Anyways, if you want to snag a copy, the E-BOOK is available for sale, or you can read it with Kindle Unlimited 
          The paper back and hard cover should be available by Monday at the just takes it slow for those [insert dramatic eye roll here]


Wolf Pack!
          Due to my whole family getting pneumonia, there has been a delay on From Prisoner to Princess being released on amazon. 
          It kinda hard to focus on releasing a book when your lungs don't want to accept oxygen right now.
          That being said, it seems the chapters will be releasing well into December 2024 here on wattpad, so you can either wait patiently for weekly releases or get the full book when it comes out!