
Hey everyone! Just wanted to post this message.
          	I know I've not been updating the PJO fic very regularly. I'm sorry for that. As I've said, I'm very busy with uni. In all honesty, I could probably do better and work on the fic more. . . . But although this fic means so much to me, I don't want to cross the boundaries I've set for myself—even if it means seeing the process being slowed down and not making a lot of progress. Don't worry, this isn't to say I'm going to take a pause. I'm still working on the fic. Just to say I'm not dead, I'm working on it, and I hope I'll be able to get the next chapters out soon.
          	Anyway. I hope you're all going well, that you're managing to do what you want to do in your lives. Thank you for the support I've been getting, it means so much!


@The_Grey_Jedi1 hey :) yeah, I’m doing okay, even if a bit overwhelmed by all the things I have to do, and very tired because of that. Sorry that I still haven’t updated the fanfic…


Hey everyone! Just wanted to post this message.
          I know I've not been updating the PJO fic very regularly. I'm sorry for that. As I've said, I'm very busy with uni. In all honesty, I could probably do better and work on the fic more. . . . But although this fic means so much to me, I don't want to cross the boundaries I've set for myself—even if it means seeing the process being slowed down and not making a lot of progress. Don't worry, this isn't to say I'm going to take a pause. I'm still working on the fic. Just to say I'm not dead, I'm working on it, and I hope I'll be able to get the next chapters out soon.
          Anyway. I hope you're all going well, that you're managing to do what you want to do in your lives. Thank you for the support I've been getting, it means so much!


@The_Grey_Jedi1 hey :) yeah, I’m doing okay, even if a bit overwhelmed by all the things I have to do, and very tired because of that. Sorry that I still haven’t updated the fanfic…


PEOPLE!!! I missed it, but we're 1,006 on this account! Thank you so much!!! This is awesome, you don't know how much that means to me! Really, really, thank you everyone, it's such an achievement after all those years. Let's keep this going!


@Yoda_Shmoda Yeah! Thank you so much!