
Hiya, I'm really sorry to ask this on your page since it's  about another author expecially here but I really don't know who else to ask about this but have you read an AOS fanfic called The Cursed Bride and if you knew the author because I once read it and all of the sudden can't find it anymore on wattpad or elsewhere.  


@dilla_drill after you asked for it I looked for it too but I couldn't see it. Even though if I do see it I'll tag or message ya ✨


@Asythzzkk, Thank you. I do get what you mean. I just wish I had read it, but now I'm looking for it  


@dilla_drill ooh I know that feeling, but sometimes the author could delete the story if they don't see where it is going or have any personal things, I mean myself has deleted one of my stories like that cause I wanted to focus on this one and didn't get where is the other story plot is going. But don't worry if I do see it again I'll be sure to message you ✨