
A just publish a new TUA book. But is not a fan fic. It's a book that is about Theories that I have about season 4.
          	Check it out if you want. I would also love to talk to you about TUA 4 and the theories if you want. 


Why do I have a feeling that Viktor is the one who will die in the end, because of some of the things they show in the teaser.
          We see two hands reaching out for each other. And It looks like Luther's hands is one of them by the sleeve and the other is Viktor's hand 'cause of the orange powers that we see Viktor have.  
          And also the absolute devastation on the others faces in the van where we only see Klaus, Five, Lila, Diego and Allison. Viktor being the only one not there (Also Ben is not there, so he might also die) It might be just after the final battle and they see Viktor's sacrifices himself to save them
          Not to mention that conversation Viktor have with Reginald can also be like a last minute deal Viktor is making to save the rest of the siblings.  (Like bargaining)
          I mean it also begins with Viktor starting the apocalypse so maybe it also has to end with him stopping it somehow. 
          (Also I have a feeling that Viktor still have his powers, maybe because of those powers he took from Harlan. But pretend that he don't and Reginald knows that which might be one of the reason they have a conversation )    
          But that is just a theory


@Melody-to-Danced Also love talking about TUA and theories about it with someone


            I would love to discuss these theories. I would also be very happy to hear what you say about my theories. I listed them in a chapter of my fanfiction before we saw the trailer.


@Melody-to-Danced I didn't think about that. I think I will do that now. Thank you for the advice:)


Wow, you're really excited. I'm just as excited about season 4. By the way, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the form of my theory but that was before the trailer came out. I would be happy about active readers.


@Melody-to-Danced Well, I can't wait, wish it would arrive in the end of June or July.
            It know that the final season is going to be amazing, have heard that we will get all the answers in season four. Like how Five became the founder of the Commission. How Umbrella Ben died. And all other kind of stuff. 
            It will be hard to say goodbye to such as amazing show, but everything has to come to an end one day.
            I will have it hard in saying goodbye, but lucky I have plans in making squeals to some of my TUA books. Like what my OC would be doing after season 4 and if some of them have kids, maybe write a book that follow the kids' journey. 
            Already know which of my books is sure will have a squeal.


            I'm just as excited as I've already created a cover.


Another theory about season 4. Will put them up in two parts like last time. 
          Lila and Five are in the train station where different strange signs are shown on the train and in the station. The two arrive to a broken area that looks like something from the apocalypse, which I think is. I think those two somehow time travel back to season 1 apocalypse. Then they will be back to the original timeline. Where a version of Five still is (Potentially the one that found the Commission)
          But will that also mean that The Handler is there too and maybe that is why Lila is upset and we finally get answers about the Commission.
          I think that this train station is actually a time machine of some kind, like it can travel between other and different timelines. So I was thinking that Reginald created/controls every building in the city, so what if he created a train that can travel through time and dimensions. And Lila is touching some kind of map with different signs on. So maybe that is where you can pick where you want the train to take you to.


I think is that after the universe was reset, it has been parted into many timelines (Since the Commission doesn't exist anymore) and an important key to this timeline may be this Subway that is shown often.
            Maybe that is why Five and Lila go to that train station because they know they need The Commission and therefore they travel those another timeline to find a Five with powers so he can found the commission, use his powers to make a briefcase and get it to work since I have noticed that the briefcase's light is the same color blue as Five's powers is.
            (Maybe Five and Lila are the only ones that can go to that train station since we only see those two there)
            I also noticed Diego and Five are about to punch each other. We see Five looking away and Diego is holding his collar while he is ready to throw a fist at his face. Five then looks back at Diego and is about to punch him (Probably to defend himself) but then someone who looks to be Lila stops them. I don't know why they are fighting. Maybe it is about Lila. I noticed that Diego is with a little girl which I believe is his daughter, but I can't see Lila anywhere in that scene. So maybe they broke up and Diego got custody. And I think that Five and Lila have grown close between season 3 and 4 and Five is defending Lila towards Diego or something.
            Well, that is another theory about season 4. 
            More might come


Reginald who is the Marigold producer. He put something on Allison's and Diego's ears and then pulls in an unfamiliar handle. And later on Luther has his previous body. And we see Five, Viktor and Ben having their powers again. But they are different. Five's teleportation goes from blue to purple. Viktor's powers became like Harlan's. Ben's tentacles come out of his back. Klaus was also levitation, just like he does in the comic. So will he get his powers back too.
          We also see that the siblings are sitting in a van and they are going to save someone. Who it is we don't know. Maybe Sloane or someone else cause we see all the siblings plus Lila in the van. So we know that it is not one of them.
          Also why does Ben look so pale and why was he in prison. Maybe he is trying to take revenge on Reginald which might be the reason why he is shouting in that van and I think he is referring to Reginald.
          I think Ben is furious at Reginald for what he did at the end of season 3. Ben feels like his dad betrayed him. And he finally open his eyes when he found that Reginald brought them to the other side to die.
          Ben says this at the end of season 3 to Reginald after they found out that he killed Luther.
          "All your stupid myths and stories. There were never seven bells or Norsemen. You brought us here to die!"  Ben said that in a very aggressive voice.
          And I think it was there his hate for Reginald started. And it has grown. Maybe therefore he try to get rid of Reginald but was caught and sent to prison.
          This is just one of my theories. More will come. Working on another one


We also see Viktor in a bar talking to someone over the phone. And we later see him talking to Reginald, maybe Reginald calls Viktor and asks for a meeting. Maybe he wants to make a deal of some kind or he needs him and the siblings' help because he found out that not everything is how he wanted it to be since Allison killed him before he finished with resetting the universe. And maybe that is why he gives the siblings back their powers, so they can help him but then they find out that he has trick them. Or something like that.


          Five looking so good in the new teaser. The family arrives at the old Academy. A sign saying 'Hargreeves home for WayWard boy' not sure what that mean. Maybe Hargeeves still made some kind of Academy. Five in a train station looking confuse. Five hugging Lila while she is crying. That is so sweet. It may have something to do with Diego. Maybe that means that Diego will die (Hope not)Diego and Allison will get kidnapped by Reginald, what he is doing to them, no idea. Five, Viktor and Ben getting their powers back. Ben looks a bit sick. Viktor talking with Reginald (Might change that to one of my OCs. Like Maddie in 'Saving the world') Ben is in prison. The family sitting in Diego's van where Diego is happy they have a mission. Ben saying 'Let go kill that bit***" And then Allison says 'This is a rescue mission' Who they are gonna rescue I don't know. But I will change that to be one of my OCs. Like Y/n Watson and the kids in 'Two assassins in love' and Jane in 'Two partners in crime' and Natalie Eversun in 'The Witch and The Time traveler' and one of my other OCs. More scenes with Lila and Five. Them in a train station. Viktor punching Ben. Five and Diego are about to fight but Lila stops them. Lila and Five arrive in a broken place that looks like something from the apocalypse, which I think is. I think that this train station is actually a time machine of some kind, like it can travel between other timelines and universe.
          So many things are going to happen. Have a feeling that we won't be able to sit still.
          I'm so excited. Have already come up and written notes to my books. Have also already put in my OCs in the teaser. (Might write that in one day. Like where is the OC in the teaser)
          Will also have a theory ready. 
          Hope you guys are just as excited as I am. I really can't wait. I wish it would come in July or the end of June like season 3 did. Well, only around two months and two weeks left.


A new chapter of 'Just an ordinary girl' is now up.
          Also teaser for TUA the final season will arrive tomorrow. I'm really excited.
          I have looked at the picture that was posted. It showed three tentacles. And the background looks like something from a train station. plus at the bottom is there some golden stuff that kinda looks like the stuff from oblivion in the last episode of season 3 where they stand on the stars and the hotel transform into some golden.  
          And the post say 'The train have arrived' and since one of the posters way back that show the siblings' timeline look like a train map, and Ben sitting in a train reading a book at the end of season 3. 
          It mean something big and a train station will be the main focus, like it's there the final battle is or something like that.
          Everything on that post mean something and it will mean something big in the final season. Anyway I can't wait for the teaser. I will watch it many times to see if I can come up with a theory.
          And the teaser might also help me coming up with more notes and ideas to wrist down in what will happens in my TUA books.