
I'm sorry for the delay! Hispanic household and all, the party never ends!


@BK201D67  can you plz update


I'm sorry if the chapter is delayed today. It might be posted tomorrow instead. Today is my baby puppies first birthday! I'm throwing a party for her and don't know if I'll have time to edit the chapter and do the final touches. 


I'm sorry there's been a delay in payments updates! I've been arguing with myself on where I want the ending to fall. I had an image of the ending in my head when I started the book but since it's been so long I've reimagined it. I was debating which direction to take the story. The new chapter should be out either today or tomorrow. 


Chapters for Payment will come out on Sundays, as well as whenever I feel like it. So, you may get 5 chapters in a week or you may get just 1. It all depends on what's going on. I can say though, you will most likely get about 3-5 a week. 


@BK201D67 thank you for coming back ❤ actually inspired me to work more on a story thats been in a note book of mine 


@Nesreen_Salah01 Thank you ❤️ it feels good to be back 


@BK201D67 It's so good to have you back <3


The last five years have been full of experience that have shaped me into something...just as childish but not? I'm not sure how to explain it. I've entered my twenties, gotten married, adopted a child (my forever puppy) and found someone who is practically identical to me. My tastes are the same but enhanced if that makes sense. I feel more comfortable with words but I will never leave the world of dreams and fantasy. Ditching two degrees and buying a house, Ive learned that some of the things I used to dream about are unrealistic. But I also realized that those unrealistic dreams are also necessary in making people happy. If I didn't dive into my books, no matter how many doubt I have about myself, I wouldn't be me. So even if this is a flop and everyone else has move on with their lives, no longer going on this website, I'm back for me and that makes me happy. I love everyone who takes the time out of their day to read my work. Thank you!


I've only redone the first chapter. You can read that. Ill be working on the other chapters all day tomorrow. The chapters that say under revision haven't been tweaked so id wait until I get to them this week. Thank you for wanting to read my story! @CaliGirl5050


@BK201D67  should i reread payment 


Hey guys. Its Luna. I somehow got back into this account. I will be rewriting Payment. I hope to being posting the chapters by next week.
          The reason I stopped writing payment is a very long and emotional story but the main point is that I felt I could do much better and slowly lost hope in the book and my writing....but I'm much better now. I'm willing to throw myself back into that story and make it something I can be proud off. It really blew my mind when I looked at it yesterday and there were still people commenting on it! 
          I do have another account @justkiddingbabe and if you would like to check it out go ahead. If not, thats fine. I think I might be merging them soon.