
Hey guys,
          	Just here to let you know that I will not be making any more progress on MANIPULATED since I have no motivation + have no idea what to do with the story plot since I made it when I was in JR high and didn't have an end goal in mind.
          	I might pick it up in the future when I'm finished my other books, but at the moment I will only be working on CORRUPTION.
          	I'm really sorry your guys. Kind regards.
          	- J ♡


Hey guys,
          Just here to let you know that I will not be making any more progress on MANIPULATED since I have no motivation + have no idea what to do with the story plot since I made it when I was in JR high and didn't have an end goal in mind.
          I might pick it up in the future when I'm finished my other books, but at the moment I will only be working on CORRUPTION.
          I'm really sorry your guys. Kind regards.
          - J ♡


I just wanted to say that I am literally in love with CORRUPTION. I can’t wait for you to post the next chapter! I’ve read and reread that story so many. Just talking about it right now makes me want to go and read it again


Of course! I saw the notification pop up and I legit scrambled to Wattpad just to read your story. I can't wait till the next chapter get posted!


@insp1ration Hi! Thank you so much for the compliments . You and other readers of my fanfic are a big part on why I enjoy doing what I do.
            I hope you continue to support me in the future! :>♡♡
            - J ♡


Hey-o~!! I'm so sorry if I'm bothering ya, but I just wanted to say that I LOVE your username! I can't get over at how clever it is xD Also, I'll be reading CORRUPTION and I'm H E L L A stoked!!! I took a peek at it before and your writing already blows me da fook away ^_^


@Baeshounen No problemo, love! Haha that's alright xD I really am super excited to read it!! I just gotta find the time to, but it looks SHO GUUUUUUUDANHDJSJF (♡_♡)


@--PanDADDl just noticed that the comment section doesnt have emojis LmfaOoo. Don't read that as super formal ^^^ XD


@--PanDADDl Thank you so much for your kind words and the acknowledgement of my username . I'm looking forward to seeing you read corruption from now on! 


...I'm thinking of starting up another book with various kpop imagines with fluff and the guud guud (smut). 
          Let me know what you guys think, as well as any kpop biases you guys currently have :^)


I’m my notifications it said “...I’m thinking about starting up another book with v...” so I was like “V? FROM MYSTIC MESSENGER??” 


To whom it may concern:
          I'm aware that I have been away for a little while, and that most (if not all) of you guys have forgotten me and my fanfics. The countless amount of apologies I give to you guys probably won't be enough to quell the feeling of abandonment some of you guys may feel, and it would be a lie to say that I will consistently be able to upload content from here on out.
          My writing sucks now despite being a few years older, and I barely have any motivation for writing. 
          But, despite that, I still want to provide you guys with the much-deserved content I have been stalling. 
          So, as a result of this, know that my current plans are to:
          1. Finished CORRUPTION\
          3. Come up with something new if my motivation allows me
          Thank you to any of you guys who still follow me to this day and check on my account every once in a while. I appreciate all of you. 
          - J <3


Thank you so much :) I don’t think ur writing is bad, there’s always room for improvements. Don’t look down on yourself pls we love you


Hello !! I’m glad that you’re back!! I miss your books tho :(


@kurooimaa Hi there! I'm currently on that WattPad grind so I hope you take the time to read any upcoming chapters!! <3


@Mushuisdragon sorry for the late response, haha. Corruption has two new chapters up, and so many more to come so go check it out! <3