
I know that you have gotten a lot of requests from everyone else, and I do no wish to push you or anything, but I too am in love with your Viktor Krum book and would highly appreciate and love it if you could try and update it as soon as you are able to. I love your writing and you and would like to see more of it. Again, I do not wish to trouble you or anything, it is just a request from a die hard fan. Please and thank you. 


Thank you. I just finished you stand at the abyss you fall to your knees and it was an amazing story that told not only Eric's story but it talked about characters you don't see much of. You made it so that it would blend fantastically with the divergence series and this book is one of my favorites and I've read alot. 


Just finished 'Stand at the abyss, you fall to your knees' probably one of the best books on Wattpad! Reading the sequel to it now! ❤ Especially loved the end of stand at the abyss you fall to your knees because both Olivia and Eric are reunited and it's so cute and heart-warming!


Just finished "While We Wait", absolutely​ fantastic! Dallas is just so very well written, she feels like an actual person I would meet walking down the street and not just a character. I can't wait until you begin to flesh her and the others out a bit more and we begin to see more of everyone's personality. Oh, and I also like my drinks to taste like "Christmas and vomit"!