
I just started a new story thing! It's going to be a collection of short stories based off of Cards Against Humanity card pulls! I have two stories in it right now, one with Original Characters and one with Characters from Pretty Little Liars. There will most definitely end up being some bechloe in there, probably some supercorp, sanvers, and stef & lens, and who knows what else. I'm really excited for this project, as I have been wanting to write again for forever and haven't really had the motivation to do so in a really long time. I started writing a story the other day and am already experiencing really bad writers block even though I'm super into the story and where I want to go with it, I'm just having trouble writing it all out, so I feel like this will be a way to help me take a break from it and be able to focus on something else to clear my mind all while still writing and not stressing out over not writing anything.


I just started a new story thing! It's going to be a collection of short stories based off of Cards Against Humanity card pulls! I have two stories in it right now, one with Original Characters and one with Characters from Pretty Little Liars. There will most definitely end up being some bechloe in there, probably some supercorp, sanvers, and stef & lens, and who knows what else. I'm really excited for this project, as I have been wanting to write again for forever and haven't really had the motivation to do so in a really long time. I started writing a story the other day and am already experiencing really bad writers block even though I'm super into the story and where I want to go with it, I'm just having trouble writing it all out, so I feel like this will be a way to help me take a break from it and be able to focus on something else to clear my mind all while still writing and not stressing out over not writing anything.


So I know I keep saying this, and then not actually posting things, but Im currently typing up stories from my notebooks! So hopefully, I will actually post them here or on AO3, but I will post something about it if I do decide to change platforms! Hope you all are well!
          - XO


It has been a *hot* minute. Sorry friends. I broke my phone a few weeks before Christmas and thought I was going to be in BIG trouble and get my iPad taken as well, so I panicked and deleted pretty much everything so my dad wouldn’t have anyway to find out the fact that I’m a big gay homo. Well ahah he found out anyway because of some very not good reasons, but he didn’t react the way I thought he would which was great but I’ve been really wanting to write again but just don’t have all the motivation to. But I’m gonna try to get back to it. Thank you all for reading my stories and liking and commenting on them, it means a whole lot to me. Hugs and kisses <3


I don’t know if any one reads these  but anyways I’ve been working on some stories and I just keep getting side tracked and losing motivation to make them any longer than they are. However; I have a *finished* BeChloe story I’m planning to post soon-ish. I’m also gonna put some of the one shots I’ve finished in the story asap. Sorry all, my life’s a mess rn ❤️


I can't wait to read them! 


Hello friends! It’s been a while, but surprisingly not as long as I thought it has been, so that’s good! I just uploaded a short story to “One Shots and Short Stories”! I’ve been brainstorming a lot of ideas for new stories as well, so there should hopefully be new one shots and shorts, or even new separate books! 


IM TRYING TO UPLOAD A NEW STORY! I wrote it on my phone and sent it to my iPad but it’s not letting me copy and paste it so??? But anyway. I will try to upload everyday for a week because it’s not a terribly long story. I was also unsure about posting it because of the topic, but I figured out a way to ‘fix it’ later. Sorry in advance.


IM TRYING TO UPLOAD A NEW STORY! I wrote it on my phone and sent it to my iPad but it’s not letting me copy and paste it so??? But anyway. I will try to upload everyday for a week because it’s not a terribly long story. I was also unsure about posting it because of the topic, but I figured out a way to ‘fix it’ later. Sorry in advance.