
I re-wrote chapter 1.1 of FATE because I didn't like it at all and added chapter 1.2!  Happy reading! and be sure to leave a comment to let me know how I can improve!


Hi Everyone! To anyone whom I have promised Editing, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get to it yet. We are in the last weeks of school and I am realizing how far behind we are and I'm trying to work out how to finish things off. Do I double up? Do I put off summer break?  And with this warmer weather the kids aren't wanting to pay any attention because it's outside time! Or maybe that's me. . . .haha. Anyway I promise to get to it all eventually. I haven't forgotten about you!


Heyo! Thanks for the follow! Can't wait until I have enough free time to actually sit, read, and enjoy your books.


@DuchessHood  I'm excited to see what you think! I hope you like them!  Countdown is much more polished (and shorter) than The Peacemaker. haha The peacemaker I just kind of threw up there as soon as it was finished.


Hey all! I had some free time at the hotel so I decided to add the scene everyone has been asking for. The final conversation between Maggie and Joshua is now up at the  end of  The Peacemaker: Chapter 13 Blood Stained. I'm not completely happy with it but it's a good starting point. I'll do some editing on the whole book at some point but for now, I give you the final scene. Scroll to the bottom to see the new conversation!