
If anyone is currently reading Business As Usual, please be advised that I will be taking the story down. I'm hoping to work on another rewrite at the moment which will change the entirety of the story itself. I'll give it a few days if I haven't heard from anyone though I will be removing the story. 
          	Sorry if this upsets anyone but thanks so much for enjoying the story so much.


@BigDreams91 when will it be back after the rewrite is done? I really wanted to read that story.


If anyone is currently reading Business As Usual, please be advised that I will be taking the story down. I'm hoping to work on another rewrite at the moment which will change the entirety of the story itself. I'll give it a few days if I haven't heard from anyone though I will be removing the story. 
          Sorry if this upsets anyone but thanks so much for enjoying the story so much.


@BigDreams91 when will it be back after the rewrite is done? I really wanted to read that story.


Hey! I'm unable to read Magnolia kisses. It's showing only two chapters. Have you removed it? 


@prerna_sirwani well I was just going to post the rest of this version. I didn't have time to fully post all 39 chapters yesterday. The version i want to publish has a few different scenes and scenes taken completely out. It's your choice if you want to read it.


@prerna_sirwani okay! Thank you so much for uploading the first 20 chapters, but I love your book, Magnolia kisses, so so much, and I dislike reading incomplete books so I'd rather be patient till you get it published. All the very best! And keep us updated about how it's going! I'm very very excited to read it after its published. 


@prerna_sirwani I had removed it because I rewrote it a new version and working to get it published. I went ahead and reposted the first 20 chapters of the current version if you are still interested. The new version will not be posted online as I'm working to fix it up for possible publishing.


Hey! How come 'kiss from a stranger' is going to be removed? Its an amazing story, one of my favourites, you honestly don't know how long it took me to find that again *long sigh* i love it :')


@inkSmoker oh wow that sounds great, I wish the best for you! I dont know how you can improve the first one tbh but I'm still going to read the renewed version too ^^ will you be putting up all the chapters here?


@inkSmoker actually it's now called Magnolia Kisses. There hadn't seem like there's much interest but I want to get it published. I've rewritten the story three times and I'm working on get an editor so it can be traditionally published. I might put another version back up but it's different from the one I might publish.


I think I need to take a step away from romance after the current books are over. I want to write a horror story next, return to what got me into writing in the first place. Romance is the last thing on my mind right now. Though I don't even have an idea for a horror story yet. Maybe the inspiration will come soon. Also thanks to everyone who sent condolences, you guys are the best. Really needed to hear the kinds from you all, felt like I wasn't completely alone.


Just wanted to post a quick message to you guys. I very recently suffered a real big tragedy. I don't have any idea when rotten will be updated again or when I'll return to writing. I promise to keep you guys in the loop but just know that I need some time. Thanks!


@BigDreams91 I hope things get better. Remember no matter how rough and bumpy the road always continues! It will even out.


So sorry to hear that!  May God comfort you at this time! 