
Hey y’all im still alive lmao


Y’all again im so sorry for not updating any of my stories. I have been really stressed about school. I have a bunch of work, i have a exam this Thursday were i have to go to school physically. And my mom has me doing my little brothers work. Im tired of it. I already have stress with my own work and my mom wants to add to it by getting mad at me for not helping her. I help her all the time yet she says i don’t do crap. It sucks being the only “smart one”. Again im sorry for not updating i am working on it tho. :)


Don’t worrie baby GORL your fine  ;)


Sorry I haven’t been updating! I started school and it’s really stressful. I also have to update like 3 story’s at a time, BUT i am working on them they just take some time. Thanks for being patient!❤️✨


@BoraDoris yes I would really love that. Pls sent me more toes 


@BoraDoris alr alr pls forgive  I just wanted your toes 