
Alright, Chapter 6 of Cognizance is finally basically done. It's definitely a lot shorter than other chapters (by around 500-1000 words compared to the previous shortest chapter), but I'm forcing myself to be okay with it as it's also a story beat chapter, giving us a bit of a break from the chaos of all the previous chapters before the the chaos of upcoming chapters.
          	It'll be coming out in a few hours, as I want to give myself one last read-through with a clear mind before publishing. Hopefully anyone who reads it enjoys it.


Alright, Chapter 6 of Cognizance is finally basically done. It's definitely a lot shorter than other chapters (by around 500-1000 words compared to the previous shortest chapter), but I'm forcing myself to be okay with it as it's also a story beat chapter, giving us a bit of a break from the chaos of all the previous chapters before the the chaos of upcoming chapters.
          It'll be coming out in a few hours, as I want to give myself one last read-through with a clear mind before publishing. Hopefully anyone who reads it enjoys it.


Right, so I finally finished the next chapter of Cognizance. That will be coming out in just a few hours.
          Sorry for the sudden break to everyone who was expecting an update. I just completed my last semester of college and between that workload, my thesis, and the past few months just being a slew of things in general, I didn't have the time or energy to even touch the absolute mess that was Chapter 5.
          Going forward, I'm not gonna promise a schedule. I'm gonna try to stick to one, but I'm not gonna promise anything. I'm not quite sure what my irl life is gonna be like for the next little bit; I could either get super busy super quickly or have nothing going on. We will see.
          Nonetheless, I hope y'all enjoy Chapter 5. I'm really happy with how it turned out and writing it gave me some fantastic ideas for future chapters. Plus I'm really happy with how this chapter's main setup for future chapters turned out (I've been trying to include something hinting at one of the major twists in every chapter, although I'll admit this one is probably the most obvious/explicit).
          Love y'all, and I'm so excited to read any comments you may have for me about the chapter.


I write the complete timeline for Cognizance, assuming I have every major plot point planned out. I plan out/write a chapter. I realized I drew too much attention to something in the chapter that will never be brought up later, but cannot write out of the chapter. I imagine what would happen if I included this aspect more prominently throughout Cognizance. I try to tell myself it's not that deep but now cannot imagine the story without this aspect. I rewrite the timeline of Cognizance, and the cycle continues.
          This has happened no less than three times


I am the best at planning out my stories, including banger chapter ideas such as "need more angst" and "something something"


Hello! How are you guys? I wanted to ask a question...
          So, I really love Hogwarts International, and I'm sad it's (probably) discontinued. I wondered whether I could use it for inspiration? It's not much, just that the twins loose their memories and meet Hagrid - I just wanted to ask for permission. Is that okay?


@CrystalWolfie_XD Dang, I'm sorry about that. I hope you're able to get the inspiration back soon! And I appreciate it, but it's mainly just school stuff. It'll be calming down (finally) in the next few weeks


@CanadiaSquared It's okay, and thank you! I've lost the motivation for the time being, but it'll come back once I read another HP book.
            Also, if you need to talk or anything, I'm always free, ok?