
Hello fellow bookworms!!
          	It's been a long time since I've last posted a chapter, but hopefully there are still a few of you readers around *nervously laughs*
          	But anyways, so super sorry for the unintentional long haitus! T^T Originally I had intended on posting a chapter soon after the last one, but life ended up very quickly crashing down on me like an avalanche ahaha... (*cries*)
          	I'm definitely doing a bit better now, but new chapters will definitely still be postponed for a little while longer T.T But no worries! Once I get back on track, I'll be able to work on TLFS again! 
          	Thanks for all the support and understanding, and hopefully I'll see you guys in the next update soon!! 


@Celestial_Immortal We'll all be waiting for you. Take your time


@Celestial_Immortal remember that we fans will stick with you thru the whole thinggggg 


@Celestial_Immortal Patiently waiting for your return. Life gets hard, so we understand. I'm just glad that you are not giving up this wonderful story.