
Hey @Charlotte_Blackwell
          So I just finished reading Lola, and I was pleasantly surprised with such a refreshing read. I loved how the storyline progressed, and all the inner turmoils of the protagonists displayed out, both the raw as well as cringe worthy parts, you didn't shy away from making them real, and honestly speaking, humans don't edit their thoughts and present them in the most succinct and literature worthy way. I liked it a lot, and as I said before, refreshing.
          About the storyline itself, I was surprised, annoyed, kept on tenterhooks, excited, let down, and excited again, at different times, and it was a very good experience. I finished the book in 4 hours, and I want to read it again. 
          I hope your work reaches a wider audience and you can make a difference!
          Hope you keep writing.
          All the best!





Chapter 12 is here! Yes, you heard that right. Two chapters in less than a week.
          Have I been murdered and replaced by an imposter who actually has an efficient and regular writing process? Who's to say?
          Check it out below.


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Chapter 11 - Shit's getting real.
          This is a long one - stay tuned for the next update coming soon.
          I finished my teaching placement, so now I have time to write again! Huzzah!
          As always, thanks for reading.


Huzzah for reaching 10 chapters of Humanitarian! However, we're still just getting started...
          Humanitarian will suit readers who enjoyed the drama and suspense aspects of Lola, but are looking for something darker, more mature and with an apocalyptic twist. You can find the latest chapter here!

