

          Toast To My Incredibly Hot Boss
          Prologue chapter is now up
          I have a feeling this one will be very liked
          Tell me what you think of the chapter so far (if you decide to have a look at it) even though the chapter is very short, small comment is better than no comment.
          Peace and love,


Hey guys!
          I just want to say sorry for not updating any of my stories for a while now. With christmas and Uni and my daughter, everything is a bit too much for me so when I have a spare hour, I'll try to update a story or two
          K thnx bye
          Dani <3


Hi guys! 
          I just wanted to announce my happiness lol
          From today, I have completed my training as a official Wattpad Ambassador ❤ I'm very proud of myself. 
          If you ever need anything, no matter how stupid you think it is, don't be afraid to contact me
          Peace and love
          Dani <3


this message may be offensive
Hey guys!
          I just published a prologue and two new chapters to my new book Kissing Ethan
          Some of you might recognise it because I took it down, but I completely changed it and it's totally worth a read.
          BUCKET LIST
          - Bungee jumping
          - Go to a beach powder party
          - Go diving
          - Jump off a cliff
          - Ride an elephant
          - Swim with sea turtles
          - Get a tan (most likely not happening)
          - KISS ETHAN
          "How the fuck was I supposed to know I was on her bucket list?" He shouts in anger, scrunching the paper up and throwing it into the wall opposite him.
          "We should have known. She's our best friend. And now we don't even know where she is." My voice slowly fades out towards the end, thinking of the possibly worst scenarios ever.
          When he sighs and doesn't respond, I feel my chest get heavier, "We have to find her. We owe her that much."