
I have just uploaded the first three chapters of my brand new novel "A Midnight Dreary," available now in all eBook formats and at all eBook outlets. Also available in trade paperback and hardcover with the audio on the way.   The links to buy the book are here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/176221916-a-midnight-dreary-volume-5-of-the-dechance  
          	Also, I have a new group on Facebook for discussing my work, The DeChance Chronicles, the novels of the O.C.L.T.  - writing - or whatever might interest you.  Come on over ad join us at The Dead Poe Etc. Society - 


I have just uploaded the first three chapters of my brand new novel "A Midnight Dreary," available now in all eBook formats and at all eBook outlets. Also available in trade paperback and hardcover with the audio on the way.   The links to buy the book are here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/176221916-a-midnight-dreary-volume-5-of-the-dechance  
          Also, I have a new group on Facebook for discussing my work, The DeChance Chronicles, the novels of the O.C.L.T.  - writing - or whatever might interest you.  Come on over ad join us at The Dead Poe Etc. Society - 


This is only .99 - going to leave it that way until the 19th when the eBook of "A Midnight Dreary - The DeChance Chronicles Book Five"  goes live on Edgar Allan Poe's birthday. This contains all four of the existing books in the series. Book three is actually three novellas. Only one is about Donovan, but it's his origin story - A Midnight Dreary. That book also includes The Preacher's Marsh (part of my most recent novel prior to this one - Gideon's Curse) and the entire first Cletus. J. Diggs short novel - The Currently Accepted Habits of Nature... so to be clear - this is three full novels and three full novellas... for $0.99 and will catch you up to A Midnight Dreary (though it would also be a good idea to read Nevermore if you are a purist, and Darkness Falling).


I am a storyteller. For years now I've spent more time helping bring other people's stories out than I have writing my own... and I'm okay with that, because I AM still writing... but tomorrow is my birthday. Instead of just stopping by and saying Happy happy... let's interact. Below is a link to my Amazon page with almost literally everything I've written available... in the first comment will be a list of my books available through Kindle Unlimited for those people who subscribe, so you can find my books that are available for you to read for free. Most of my audiobooks are whispersync ready and can be had for a pittance beyond the eBook price. MANY of them are available in print, some for the first time just this year in trade paperback. What I want for my birthday is simple. Read something of mine. Tell me what you read, what of mine you have liked (or loved) (or even hated). If you have a favorite thing of mine, leave a review on Amazon, or Goodreads... sign up for the free signed copy giveaway on Goodreads for my novel Gideon's Curse... buy "Remember Bowling Green" so I can donate the money to the ACLU... the thing that would make me feel the best on my birthday would be to entertain some people, and to feel as if I write - and I talk about that - and it's of more than slight, passing interest to a few of the thousands of folks who follow me between this profile and my author page... Going to put this on my author page as well, and on my blog so it goes to Goodreads, and on Wattpad, where literally tens of thousands of people read my novel Heart of a Dragon for free, and loved it (from the comments) hopefully this will nudge some of them to read the rest of the series... writing is a lonely profession... help a fella out.


AVAILABLE NOW - eBook, Hardcover and Trade paperback - 80% of the money to the ACLU - solid five star reviews so far... well.. two of them, anyway.  Get a fun story - donate to charity - REMEMBER BOWLING GREEN - the Adventures of Frederick Douglass - Time Traveler ... you can read the first three chapters free here on Wattpad:
          Order her: https://www.amazon.com/Remember-Bowling-Green-Adventures-Alternative-ebook/dp/B06XB9WCXR
          Read here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/100983838-remember-bowling-green-the-adventures-of-frederick


My wife, award-winning author/editor Patricia Lee Macomber, and I are writing a book. Remember Bowling Green - The Adventures of Frederick Douglass - Time Traveler - 80% of all money made will go to the ACLU... pre-orders are up at :
          And I put the rough draft of the prologue and first three chapters here on Wattpad ....


Wanted to mention this one more time. I have really appreciated the support and comments on HEART OF A DRAGON over the last year or so... and 95k reads and 3.7 votes is not bad...  I think those of you who liked that book would also like DEEP BLUE, and it's on sale for a limited time.  Less than $1.00 AND for those who like audio, it's Whispersync ready on Amazon, so if you get the book for .99 you can add the audiobook for about $1.99 and save more than twenty dollars overall...
          Currently my novel DEEP BLUE - possibly my best - is on sale for only .99 at Amazon.com / Barnes & Noble / Apple / Kobo - literally everywhere... 
          Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Blue-David-Niall-Wilson-ebook/dp/B0038M3D9C/
          Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/deep-blue-david-niall-wilson/1100428148?ean=2940011873980


Currently my novel DEEP BLUE - possibly my best - is on sale for only .99 at Amazon.com / Barnes & Noble / Apple / Kobo - literally everywhere... 
          Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Blue-David-Niall-Wilson-ebook/dp/B0038M3D9C/
          Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/deep-blue-david-niall-wilson/1100428148?ean=2940011873980
          if you enjoyed Heart of a Dragon, or any of my other works here, I am asking you to check out Deep Blue.  If you have a Facebook account, and would share the sale, or a twitter account, I would be forever grateful.  Publisher's Weekly, Library Journal, and a pretty good chunk of readers have loved this book, but it was originally published by a small, mostly library sales publisher, and so... it never got much of a readership.