
Tattooed crossed 10k hits! And I need to be more grateful, so here's a post dedicated to everyone who's still following me, still reading and still as faithful as ever. A writer is nothing without the reader, after all.
          	Thank you to all you lovely folk!
          	xo Dawn


Tattooed was so beautiful. I couldn't put it down. 


@vlw123 I'm glad you thought so, and that means everything to me. I'm going to be editing it to fit it further into the art world and its dynamics, and work around what it means to be an addict. Thanks for your comments, again! They make my day! <3


@vlw123 I really loved how realistic it was. It made me feel like I was apart of the story. It touched on real stuff that happens and not just an overused cliché.


@vlw123 Thank you, for reading, and for commenting and voting. Tell me what you thought, what you liked, what you hated.
            Thank you, again. Your comment made me want to come back here and write more.


Tattooed crossed 10k hits! And I need to be more grateful, so here's a post dedicated to everyone who's still following me, still reading and still as faithful as ever. A writer is nothing without the reader, after all.
          Thank you to all you lovely folk!
          xo Dawn


I mean, they all unfollow you at some point. Somewhere, you can't be followed, in your mind, in the darkness. Sometimes you're completely by yourself, just you and your writing and then there are no followers to read and follow up, no followers to tell you what they thought. Just you. And that's whatever that is.