
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....We are dearly sorry that nothing has been posted in a horrifically long time. School has made our lives extremely busy and we have not exactly found time to write. We will continue writing as soon as we get the chance. On a more positive note, we have reached 500 followers! Thank you so very much guys! We will be back soon...
          	Sincerely, Your Dark Souls


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....We are dearly sorry that nothing has been posted in a horrifically long time. School has made our lives extremely busy and we have not exactly found time to write. We will continue writing as soon as we get the chance. On a more positive note, we have reached 500 followers! Thank you so very much guys! We will be back soon...
          Sincerely, Your Dark Souls


*SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT* Hey guys!! Okay so we are almost at 500 followers...thats HUGE for us. So its time for a contest. Heres how its going to go. Get as many people to follow us as possible and send us the people you got to follow us. Whoever got us the most people we will a) follow you b) read one of your stories c) vote on every one of your chapters and finally d) give you our feedback and comments. Also another thing...when we hit 500 I will be releasing the NEW CHAPTER FOR DEAR DARK DIARY!!! So can we do it?? I think we can!! Thank you all so much!! And please make sure to read, vote, and comment. CONTEST ENDS OCTOBER 21ST


Hello darkness my old friend!! I have published a new poem on Scary Poems for the Soul!! Jennie is not able to publish for the next week so I am going to try and get new content out as much as possible. I am currently working on a new chapter for Dear Dark Diary (sorry its taking so long). Enjoy what I've put out so far!! More will be coming... Stay scary!! Please read, vote, and COMMENT!! Thank you for 450 followers!!! You guys are great!! <3


IT IS TIME TO CELEBRATE!!! Guess what day it is?
          October 1! Halloween is officially on. That means extra scary posts and fun contests. 
          A very serious post has been made to Campfire Stories, so make sure to read. It is meaningful to me, and I would like everyone to see it.
          As always, get your scare on, it's time for a month of screams.


          We have reached 400 followers! This is amazing and we are so glad this is going as far as it is! Thank you all for the support and patience. 
          Due to this amazing news, we will be releasing a lot more scary content for you guys to read. 
          As always; read, vote, comment, and scream!
          Love, the Halloween Queens!! 


Hola, Dark Diary readers! A new part has been published to Scary Poems for the Soul called Anxiety, Anxiety. It isn't the best, but its up and ready for feedback! Make sure to read up and commet, vote, add, etc...
          We are happy to take any suggestions for story ideas, plots, characters, genres...anything! Feedback is key in us improving so if you guys are willing to, please leave your thoughts on how we are doing or if you have anything in particular you would like us to write on!!!
          Scare on!!


Hello there my little dark souls. There are two new updates in "Scary Poems for the Soul". Both poems are very deep and meaningful, not scary. I will be updating Dear Dark Diary later this week. Also we will be doing a contest soon, so look out for that. Please read, vote, and comment!!