
Alright- vacations inbound once i’m done with some minor school stuff, apologies for being away for far too long, buuut given i’ll have nearly nothing to do for the few weeks to come i’ll make sure to publish more chapters and be online more often, that’s what vacations are for
          	That said, do look forward to it, i may not look like it but i’ve been getting a tiny bit better through some projects i’ve done for school, so i can say i’ll do things i’ll be proud of making. ‘Till this thing is done!


@Delta3859 Got it ^-^ and no problem ^^ I am trying to at least write something and atm, I'm based on trying with date a live, since I've been watching the whole season from 1-4, then currently on the 5th ongoing season, so its becoming a struggle XD


@jason_dragneel yup, i’ll keep rest a priority but i still should get to writing soon, so thanks for the concern!


@Delta3859 It's all good. irl stuff are always important and glad that you're done with the minor stuffs. Though, don't overwork yourself. Do take break from time to time. Gotta stay at your best ^-^


Alright- vacations inbound once i’m done with some minor school stuff, apologies for being away for far too long, buuut given i’ll have nearly nothing to do for the few weeks to come i’ll make sure to publish more chapters and be online more often, that’s what vacations are for
          That said, do look forward to it, i may not look like it but i’ve been getting a tiny bit better through some projects i’ve done for school, so i can say i’ll do things i’ll be proud of making. ‘Till this thing is done!


@Delta3859 Got it ^-^ and no problem ^^ I am trying to at least write something and atm, I'm based on trying with date a live, since I've been watching the whole season from 1-4, then currently on the 5th ongoing season, so its becoming a struggle XD


@jason_dragneel yup, i’ll keep rest a priority but i still should get to writing soon, so thanks for the concern!


@Delta3859 It's all good. irl stuff are always important and glad that you're done with the minor stuffs. Though, don't overwork yourself. Do take break from time to time. Gotta stay at your best ^-^


So just now i found out Konosuba has more seasons-
          And here i am with my damn writer’s block, at least i’m slowly but surely starting to write some more…just updated three books so that’s a start.
          Anyway, time to see that season and start writing the Konosuba book again, talk about an excuse to write again :P.


Are we so yusuback?


By now i’m sure we all noticed already, Akira Toriyama unfortunately died a few hours ago, or at least those news came to light a few hours ago 
          Quite unfortunate…lets hope he is able to find eternal peace and rests after a long time of brightening our lives, may he be forever missed and remembered for generations to come


@Delta3859 May Aki Rest in Peace and give rise to a new generation of writers like he did with shounen.


Man been a while since i touched this thing, i’ve really been procrastinating…now i know how it feels Pen . _.
          Anywho since it’s the time in my country, happy Valentine’s day! Remember it’s not only a day for love but also for friendship, so from your friend Delta the Parabeetle, i wish you a good week!


The year’s about to end- or it already ended for some of you -talk about time flying fast…mostly, the year seemed to go both fast and slow at many times
          In either case, did you have any regrets this year? Perhaps something you expect from the next one? Whatever happens i hope your dreams come true, been a pleasure spending my time in here for far longer than i thought, though i do wish i’d have written far more than i did, writer’s block isn’t too fun-
          All that said, i wish you all a Happy New Year! May the Parabeetles bless you!


            Happy New Year To Suffer


Well, still early for me but might as well say it because of time zones
          Merry Christmas everyone! I give to you all my best wishes!


Merry christmas too!!


Merry Christmas \(@^0^@)/


Sooo…been away not because i abandoned my inspiration to make books, i said i’d start writing more but i didn’t continue, and that’s…easy to explain actually
          To put it short, currently recovering from a surgery, buuut once i’m fully recovered i’ll go back to writing- hopefully as much as before, look forward to that! Toodles!


@Delta3859 surgery is no match for GOATsuru


I would like you to update heart a live and touhou stories 


I just hope you recover, delta


There, chapter for Pocky Day’s been published for Patchouli’s story, happy with the result despite being rushed
          Also, i probably wont be mentioning any more when i update books, since most will know from notifications and such
          That said, until i stop procrastinating!


@Delta3859 i look forward to those chapters!


@EarthRoy54 warms my heart to see someone enjoys what i do, appreciate it! Guarantee that more chapters are due to come 


@Delta3859 thanks for these stories! I really enjoy them! I particularly love the imaginary friend one, so thanks!


We answered that question really quickly didn’t we?
          Weekly it is then, lets see how long i can do at least that for . _.


@RIPotatoes perhaps not, but been months since i’ve updated books, need to get back in track XD


@Delta3859 don't push yourself too hard and you'll do fine. Don't want any unneeded stress now do we?