
Hi All
          	Unfortunately, Ao3 is not really convenient for me as a platform as it seems to need a desktop PC, which I don’t have currently. Same goes for fanfiction.net; I did manage to locate my old account if anyone is interested (it’s Dr-Cokebottles too), but all I have on there is a story I started to write when I was around nineteen  
          	Therefore, not sure if migrating to another platform is workable for me currently. 
          	I could potentially reupload WT but chances are it will be removed again  
          	Sorry, I know that story was the reason many of you follow me - I am as disappointed as you are. 
          	If any suggestions, let me know 
          	Sorry all!
          	Cee :3


@ Dr-Cokebottles  Did WP offers any help for your lost stories? They should at least give them back to you, right? My daughter told me they changed their regulations, but couldn't they just inform their writers? 


@Dr-Cokebottles Hi Cee! try AsianFanfics.com


@introvertbimbo I can certainly look into this, thanks for the tip!


Hi All
          Unfortunately, Ao3 is not really convenient for me as a platform as it seems to need a desktop PC, which I don’t have currently. Same goes for fanfiction.net; I did manage to locate my old account if anyone is interested (it’s Dr-Cokebottles too), but all I have on there is a story I started to write when I was around nineteen  
          Therefore, not sure if migrating to another platform is workable for me currently. 
          I could potentially reupload WT but chances are it will be removed again  
          Sorry, I know that story was the reason many of you follow me - I am as disappointed as you are. 
          If any suggestions, let me know 
          Sorry all!
          Cee :3


@ Dr-Cokebottles  Did WP offers any help for your lost stories? They should at least give them back to you, right? My daughter told me they changed their regulations, but couldn't they just inform their writers? 


@Dr-Cokebottles Hi Cee! try AsianFanfics.com


@introvertbimbo I can certainly look into this, thanks for the tip!


So now “Gun” has been removed too! Perhaps there has been a change in policy and all mature works that are too explicit are being removed. I am looking into migrating to Ao3 for my lemons at the very least, will let you know when up and running! 


I can still view and read Gun though. 


@Zazounette86 ikr! Wattpad getting worse smh... 


@Dr-Cokebottles update us Cee huhuhu 


So… Wishful Thinking has been removed from
          Wattpad due to “restricted content”. In other words, someone reported it. 115k reads lost as well as all the time and effort I put into writing. A little annoyed in all honesty. I don’t have backups of all the stories, so it is irrevocably lost. I don’t think I will continue with Wattpad if my stories are just going to keep getting reported. 


@Dr-Cokebottles i hope you could. If you move into ao3 I'd follow you still, in a heartbeat! I'm glad you have drafts. 


@Hsienhui1978 please just back up your stuff!  I’m not sure if it was reported or it it flagged up on some automated system, but according to their support, it can’t be restored unfortunately :(


OMGGGG!! This is so awful!!! Gosh. I will be so mad if they remove mine! What is happening to Wattpad?? 


Hi Guys! 
          How are you? Have any of you ever watched “The Princess Hours?” I heard they are remaking it, which is quite exciting! I was considering writing a one shot for Shin and Chaekyung, would anyone be interested in reading it? Probably mature themed as that’s how I roll…  it’s quite a dated drama, but one of the first I ever watched! 
          Not sure whether or not to take the plunge with yet another lemon… 
          Cee :3


@Dr-Cokebottles yes!!! I love your writing because you stick close to source material and characterization. I would love to read a Princess Hours story. ❤️


Hi! I am a great fan of yours! I would like you to follow Rin aka @Shelikeshim.she is a great writer and has written two wonderful stories on caisi - memories of wuchu and Touche. Touche is an ongoing story of hers. I feel great joy in connecting all caisi enthusiasts, hence trying to connect you all. Thank you. 


Ashes of Love is my absolutely favorite drama of all time, and I’ve been in denial for YEARS after finishing it. I came across your fanfiction Inferno the other day after watching AoL for the 4th time, and was ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWN - you write beautifully! It’s hard to find well-written fanfiction, especially for an Asian drama. I’m beyond estatic! Will be reading Elemental next!
          Please keep it up! Would be even more awesome if you write about their continued story after the drama ends.  
          Thank-you so much again for writing about Ashes of Love! Keep up the great work!


Thank you so much, I am so glad you enjoyed my drabbles - I too fell in love with AoL and found it hard to let go! 


Merry Christmas y’all, hope you all have a happy, food filled day! 


Merry Christmas!! Thank you for creating beautiful stories that fill our hearts, genuinely so grateful! ♥️ Wishing you safety and happiness 


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you also


Where are you located? I’m in the US and MG is still on Netflix there. 
          I think it is also available on VIKI website. I love love love your Meteor Shower fanfic. It’s so well written. I just finished the series and I need more DMS fix. Pls continue writing! 


Hi Guys
          How are you all? 
          I have been considering starting a one shot book of random lemons from dramas I have liked, but that don’t necessarily warrant their own books. So far, I am considering writing lemons for the following:
          Mischievous Kiss in Tokyo (Japanese version)
          Skate Into Love
          I Hear You
          Weight Lifting Fairy Kim Book Joo (maybe)
          Strong Woman (maybe)
          W: Worlds Apart 
          Would this be something people would be interested in reading? I have a few ideas floating in my brain that I want to write. 
          Miss you all! 
          Cee :3


@luxeyvou a lot of the season 2 episodes where chaotic, best way to describe it! I have started writing a drabble, hopefully will have completed by next week - takes me a while to write these days! And as always, ideas / prompts are welcome :D I don’t plan to write many for this couple, but can always change that 


@Dr-Cokebottles That's great!*i'm starting to have some possible scenarios in my mind* Lol but I stop and will leave that to you since you know how to make us turned on lmao ;)
            Btw i found that ep chaotic lol but i guess I will have some thing to think about *smirks*  


@luxeyvou I think so, his hair gets very cute. I am planning on writing something related to the episode where he meets her extended relatives, what do you think? 