
Happy New Year everyone!
          	Hope 2023 is wonderful for you all!!!


Anyone else just finished watching Philza's stream? Jfc I'm in literal tears. But the build was absolutely beautiful and I'm sure Techno would have loved it a lot. Rest in Peace Techno. You brought so much joy to everyone who knew you personally and all who watched your videos.


Hi everyone!
          I wanted to let you guys know that there have been some comments going around that lead to inappropriate websites. I had just gotten one on my story and I immediately muted the account. If you end up seeing comments like these, please block and mute them. 
          Another person I follow is getting the same comments on their stories so please be careful when coming across these links. 


this message may be offensive
When you miss two days of school and have a shit ton of work to complete and an article you have to annotate between two days when other people got about 6 days to do because they got it the day before a three day weekend hit. And then you don't have time to do it the first day you got it because you have other work to worry about and you think you'll be able to do it in one day. News flash you can't because it's 11 at night and you still got half of it to finish so you email your teacher asking for an extra day.
          I hate high school and I can now sympathize over the lack thereof of time you get for an assignment. Like jfc who do you think I am teacher? Why are you making me do this in two days? So now I wait for a response back and hope to whatever higher being that I get an extra day because I am so tired.


Merry Late Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone! 
          I would've wished you all a Merry Christmas the day of, but I ended up slipping on some stairs going up to my mom's apartment and broke my phone Christmas Eve. 
          But don't worry, my dad gave me his old phone so I will be able to write when I gain more motivation. And I was able to back up so much stuff. Thank god for google photos and other apps.
          Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and just a wonderful day/night in general!


Hello lovely people!
          I know I've been absent for quite a while but I need to ask a question for a school survey. If you do have the time, please answer.
          How long do you spend doing homework?
          Just give me an approximate time. 
          Thank you for the help!
          (Also Dark Magic isn't discontinuing, I've just been swarmed with school work these last few weeks before summer break.)


@DustyGalaxy07 i do homework  for about two or one day only...