
Hello from the other side!
          	I just wanted to tell you guys that I finished writing a 'book' that I have had on my mind for years.
          	It's not a fanfiction, but a story that I have made up.
          	Yada yada, I know. "Aren't you dead?" Uhm, only inwardly. 
          	No, but for real though, I have written a 'book' that I have spent a long time writing and editing. It would mean so much to me if you checked it out. Whether you only read one word or all the chapters, support is support.
          	It's on Wattpad and is published on my non-fanfiction account. Also, if you are afraid that this 'book' is drowning in awful grammar (like the TMR fanfictions I wrote that could burn someone's eyes and cause nightmares), do not worry. My English skills have improved magnificently, and hopefully, you won't cringe too much.
          	That's it for now. Auf Wiedersehen!



          I swear I cried half the time I was reading because it was so funny!
          I think Emily Might be as weird and sassy as me... 
          that’s hard to do.


Hey there! Thank you so much for reading the story and everything! I really appreciate it! I'm glad I made you laugh so much that you cried. That's exactly what I have been aiming for.
            Hopefully, you'll enjoy the second book as well!


I just finish to read your story about Minho. It's absolutely AMAZING.You have to make it another one about him, please? (sorry for grammar, I'm not very good in english)❤ 


@NoemiRadojkovic Hey there! Thank you for reading my story (despite all the millions of grammar and spelling mistakes)! I cannot promise that there will be more stories as I am very busy due to being a university student, however, I did start on a small draft of a new TMR story so maybe there is some hope after all. Only time will tell. Also, your English is great so don't worry! It's the English in my stories you should worry more about. Again, thank you for reading and all of the support! <3