
Not even going to lie, the scheduled posting works like 50% of the time for me. -_- 


My God Ely, I'm loving your Han Lue fanfics, I'm in love with him, and your fanfics are so cool, it's a shame it's very difficult to find a good fanfic of his.


@BiankaAguiar179 Aw, thank you so much for your kind words! It truly means a lot. And yeah... there are some Han stories where I'm just... not good.


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You know what I find weird... Anneliese van der Pol's obsession with her firing from Raven's Home. Like either tell the world what really happened or move on. Like I just saw a reel she posted about "POV: Finding Out Raven's Home's Been Cancelled!" And I'm like... "Uh, you good?" 
          This woman is almost 40 and she's acting like a teenager with some insane "tea." Now, we don't know what really happened on set and to get her fired, some bad shit could have happened, but seriously... girl needs therapy and not social media "therapy". I know she's doing for clickbait, but come on. Be an adult.


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Thank you SOOOO much for 100k reads on Dreamin'! As a "celebration," I posted bonus chapters for some of my stories! 
          Again, just thank you so much! I truly never thought I'd see that number. It is fucking insane to see that number. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much.


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Okay, can someone answer me this: what the fuck's "tweaking"? What does it mean?
          I've been seeing it a lot on Instagram Reels, with no fucking idea what it means. But from what I see it looks like what my meltdowns looked when I was younger. Is it like a breakdown or meltdown thing or... what am I missing? 
          I truly don't know what that means, it reminds me of the time I had no idea what "smol" meant back when that was a popular term. Somebody please help.


...okay, not gonna lie, kinda makes sense, but not at the same time. It truly just reminds me of my autistic meltdowns I'd have as a kid, which is not a fun memory. 
            I will honestly say, this is probably an AAVE word that (mainly white) people are using incorrectly. Again.


The second is the non slang version 


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My lack of motivation to write is fucking annoying. I still have six chapters to write for June posting, I know why I don't have motivation, I just don't want to acknowledge it. And no, it's not mental health related. 
          I don't like to do this, but it's time to push myself to write, regardless of how unmotivated I am right now.