
Y'all, would you prefer i update a small chapter (700 words) tomorrow noon or later in the week (with like 1000 words)?


LOVEE, HOW IS YOUR MB NOT SPAMMED FULL WITH COMPLIMENTS?? Your cover is absolutely gorgeous oml and don't get me started on the discription! I adore your page AND writing style and I hope you're doing alright. Don't rush into things, creativity can't be forced dont worry. YOU'RE DOING AN AMAZING JOB!! I'm rooting for ur story and hope u had a wonderful day so far<33 LOVE U SMSMSM


@ wyknox  THANK YOU SO MUCH, I actually didn't make the cover, a really good friend of mine did, her account is @FLOWER1B8, love you too and honestly thank you this means so much 


Hello sunflowers
          I haven't had any inspiration lately.
          I got a few chapters ready but after some thought i decided to put Queen of hell on pause, edit the chapters that are already up and get more chapters done in that time so i can finally start the second book of the series
          The book will stay up but I'll slowly edit all the chapters so i recommend re reading because there will be changes. However, if you don't want to re read you can keep reading from the part you had last read and i can always answer any questions you may got
          Love you all 


Hello sunflowers
          Kinda disappeared, sorry about that
          I got two announcements, the second one is more about the people that are here for the second book of the series
          A new chapter will be posted tomorrow, really short so sorry about that
          And secondly
          The second book (Alexandra's story) will take a long while to actually be posted but I might start working on it while writing Queen Of Hell, I'll announce it here and you'll also get a notification about it, the name is gonna be Queen Of Hate
          Love you all, have a good day/night