
There is something on my mind and since I can't voice it to my family, I am sharing it here. 
          	Today, after being on WP for almost 5 years, I received my first proper hate comment. Apparently, not only did my story make the reader lose respect for me as a writer but for my beloved characters WangXian / YiZhan. And here is what I thought:
          	If you have nothing good to say or your criticisms are not constructive, it would be better to keep it to yourself than express them. 
          	There are many budding authors here on WP. A comment like the one I received today, if I had received when I was a newcomer, would have killed my confidence, and I would have stopped writing altogether. Luckly, I was blessed with excellent and encouraging readers who showed my stories love and support. Even when I lost faith in my writing, they pulled me out of slump and helped me get back on my feet. 
          	I understand that everyone has and is entitled to their opinions, but I humbly request the readers to put themselves in the author's shoes and be kind to them. We write FF as a hobby and in our free time. Receiving hate for it negates all the joy we would have otherwise received from sharing our stories. 
          	Hate shown in words is no less damaging than when shown through actions. One can hurt the body, the other can do the same to one's soul. Instead, show love. Build bridges of hope and joy. 
          	Live and let live. 
          	On another note, I have returned to reading ONC entries after a month of being a busybody.  Lolz. 
          	P. S. Sorry for the rant. 
          	That's it for now, my lovely people! 
          	Stay safe and happy ❤


@GandalfofspaceAnli, ouch. Sometimes, people have something broken and only want to see others suffer. You are a great writer, so don't let that take you down. Also, you did well in the third round of the ONC this year. So, you should keep your confidence as you have results to show.


@GandalfofspaceAnli Welcome Keep Up The Good Work


Hiii!! Author I just wanted to request you to post another chapter of "The waiting that cannot be waited for "I would be glad if you do so.


@kaminShub As of now, the story stands completed, but I may take it up again if and when I have the time and the ideas flow. I am presently waiting for season 2 to air and hoping it will inspire me. That being said, thank you for your interest in this venture ❤❤❤


There is something on my mind and since I can't voice it to my family, I am sharing it here. 
          Today, after being on WP for almost 5 years, I received my first proper hate comment. Apparently, not only did my story make the reader lose respect for me as a writer but for my beloved characters WangXian / YiZhan. And here is what I thought:
          If you have nothing good to say or your criticisms are not constructive, it would be better to keep it to yourself than express them. 
          There are many budding authors here on WP. A comment like the one I received today, if I had received when I was a newcomer, would have killed my confidence, and I would have stopped writing altogether. Luckly, I was blessed with excellent and encouraging readers who showed my stories love and support. Even when I lost faith in my writing, they pulled me out of slump and helped me get back on my feet. 
          I understand that everyone has and is entitled to their opinions, but I humbly request the readers to put themselves in the author's shoes and be kind to them. We write FF as a hobby and in our free time. Receiving hate for it negates all the joy we would have otherwise received from sharing our stories. 
          Hate shown in words is no less damaging than when shown through actions. One can hurt the body, the other can do the same to one's soul. Instead, show love. Build bridges of hope and joy. 
          Live and let live. 
          On another note, I have returned to reading ONC entries after a month of being a busybody.  Lolz. 
          P. S. Sorry for the rant. 
          That's it for now, my lovely people! 
          Stay safe and happy ❤


@GandalfofspaceAnli, ouch. Sometimes, people have something broken and only want to see others suffer. You are a great writer, so don't let that take you down. Also, you did well in the third round of the ONC this year. So, you should keep your confidence as you have results to show.


@GandalfofspaceAnli Welcome Keep Up The Good Work


Hey all, I am still pretty sick. Had to take nebulizer twice yesterday so I will be offline for the most part over the next two or three days. I will still chk my notifications and messages. Sorry for falling behind on so many stories and replying to your lovely comments (╥﹏╥)
          With the weather changing, please take precautions. 
          Stay safe and happy ❤


@GandalfofspaceAnli Oh no! Hope you will get well soon! Please take care of yourself  ❤❤❤


@NatalieTaehyung Thank you for your kind words sweetie ❤


Hey all, 
          I am back from my vacation. As wonderful as it was, I caught a cold in the last leg. I might have to take antibiotics, which sucks. So, I will start reading books as soon as I feel better. However, if I am feeling up-to it I may slowly start catching up irrespective of the cold and cough. 
          Hope you all are doing well  ❤
          Thank you for all the wishes for the trip. 
          Stay safe and happy! 


@GandalfofspaceAnli Welcome back and glad you had a wonderful vacation. So sorry you are feeling under the weather with a cold. Although I love your stories, please rest and feel better first. Your health comes first.


@GandalfofspaceAnli welcome back glad you are fine despite catching cold get well soon... Stay safe and healthy to


Hey all, 
          I am back from my vacation. As wonderful as it was, I caught a cold in the last leg. I might have to take antibiotics, which sucks. So, I will start reading books as soon as I feel better. However, if I am feeling up-to it I may slowly start catching up irrespective of the cold and cough. 
          Hope you all are doing well  ❤
          Thank you for all the wishes for the trip. 
          Stay safe and happy!