
Hello there, Gygan_9835 speaking!
          	First of all, I still live, don't worry... Just busy as hell because I'm starting to get into negotiations for a job, but otherwise I'm still on service.
          	Yet as I was reading the news upon Wattpad these days, I have noticed that it will basically be days for the "Private chats" to disappear, which we all find it extremely annoying since it means that personal business between writers won't be able to be "Private" anymore.
          	Not to say some of you that would love to have a personal with the writers as well... But well, it's not like we have a control here since that's the matter of the admins of Wattpad, and if they find it unnecessary then we have no other choice to comply (Wether we like it or not).
          	But anyways, my stories are still in progress, no worries, just having a writer's block on some points, but other than that, I promise they won't be cancelled.
          	So until later, and remember.
          	"Your wish it's my command"


@ Gygan_9835 It always starts like this: it is a bit of an abuse of power on their side, at least. I hope they choose to implement a feature to substitute what they took away tho.


Hi can I ask you something?


@ Leonidas781918 can I make chapters of SM a travel through the past in my reaction fanfiction? And If I do, depending on the chapter, can I slightly rework maybe the dialogues for my fic for a better story pacing? And align it more with the old canon and maybe expand some moments to create a better flow leading to such events. Etc. For example, Ash's journey in Unova and his bad battle against Tobias being partly a consequence of Auruseuskemia and other stuff, like a psychological tool seeing Tobias using legendaries and maybe hearing always criticism for his decisions in battle, making him sloppy and never performing 100% as a trainer, etc.


Hey bud how are you doing?


@ Leonidas781918  been doing quite fine, soon works start back for me to, and I'm trying to keep going with my new fanfic after I discontinued my old ones.


@Leonidas781918 As always, busy as it has to be..., you?


@ Gygan_9835  oh, good to kno. How'ss work doing?


Hello there, Gygan_9835 speaking!
          First of all, I still live, don't worry... Just busy as hell because I'm starting to get into negotiations for a job, but otherwise I'm still on service.
          Yet as I was reading the news upon Wattpad these days, I have noticed that it will basically be days for the "Private chats" to disappear, which we all find it extremely annoying since it means that personal business between writers won't be able to be "Private" anymore.
          Not to say some of you that would love to have a personal with the writers as well... But well, it's not like we have a control here since that's the matter of the admins of Wattpad, and if they find it unnecessary then we have no other choice to comply (Wether we like it or not).
          But anyways, my stories are still in progress, no worries, just having a writer's block on some points, but other than that, I promise they won't be cancelled.
          So until later, and remember.
          "Your wish it's my command"


@ Gygan_9835 It always starts like this: it is a bit of an abuse of power on their side, at least. I hope they choose to implement a feature to substitute what they took away tho.


Hello there, This is Gygan_9835 speaking!
          From what I've been aware these weeks of activity and from what I have seen, there was some commotion about the new rules Wattpad has posted on the platform, making some many accounts to be shut down for "Prohibited content display"... And which honestly I find it very unreasonable since it's their most powerful source of income and public on the app...
          But even so, I can only hope for those unfortunate writers to have a second chance of making their content again... But in my case, I can only sing victory for now, since my account has not been afflicted by this, hence now me being capable of delivering this message right now.
          So I hope all of you have a wonderful day/evening/afternoon from wherever you are and I promise to make an announcement once I publish an update upon my content.
          Until later then and remember...
          "Your wish it's my command"


I read your last story, I really liked it, but forgive me for asking this question, when should the continuation of your other stories appear? (I am especially interested in Pokemon S&M: A travel through the past) (sorry if this is an awkward question)


Quick question have you ever tried making a crossover story between bnha x pokemon if so, would it be possible to make deku get isekai to the pokemon world after the bnha war and travel together with the rising voltecer


@Gygan_9835 ah, I see... Alrighty then, anyway hope to see the next chapter soon my friend. 


@TRIPLEDDD3 In all honesty, I do have... Yet in my opinion, I haven't had the right way to incorporate Deku into the Pokémon world, and I have read many examples... Yet I'm not convinced to do that yet.
            More over why I decided this turn on events in Reviving? The past, since I've made it the most logical possible for that to be applied... Even if it's the other way around


Hello there. Gygan_9835 speaking.
          I made a sudden publish that you all may like, may not like, depending on your view upon it... Yet I assure you, it's also a demonstration that I'm not dead yet, neither I have forgotten you all.
          The story it's named "A commemoration.... A Goodbye of an old friend" and it's a one shot.
          I hope you like it, and I'm sure with it I will also confirm new things to you all... Or just a little scratch.
          Anyways... See you soon, and remember.
          Your wish it's my command