
Heyyy everyone! My lazy ass finally kicked in and I finished chapter 41, still in my draft tho, chapter 42 in work


Will you still be updating a genius or an idiot?


@ Suckysuckynow  the next update is technically written, I am waiting to write quite a few chapter to update it all because I'm quite ...bad at updating frequently. And it's not going very fast... anyway just forget about this story and be surprised one day Ig?
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are u still gonna update a genius or an idiot?


@Suckysuckynow don’t worry, you didn’t rush me one bit. Actually it got me some motivation to write so thank you
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Take as much time as you need. Sorry if I sounded like I was rushing you.
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@Suckysuckynow  ahah Even if it doesn’t look like I will. I still didn’t give up my story. I’m still trying to come up with scenario in my head for the motivation to kick in. Maybe it’s been so long I’m kinda deconnected from the story? I know how bad my writing 'schedule' is right now. I kinda want to add to my draft to update several chapter at once to apologize for my lazy ass. Anyway I’m still so happy to know people still like my book. I am honored thanks!!
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Hi author~ anyways i just realized that your profile is rimuru tempest from that time i reincarnated as a slime


@HeHeHiHiieee @Randomnio  and we have a new cute slime Sui. Rimuru and Sui be like "oh, we're relatives! You're my junior!" rimuru.
            "Yeeessss!!! Ehehehe" Sui
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Ahah ofc~ it’s my favourite anime. I just love Rimuru so much
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Merry christmas~~
          Pass it well ✨️
          Pritty love uuu author 


@ HeHeHiHiieee  Author ur the best, we love u too~ <3
            And ty ✨️
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@Vicky-Sakuno awwwww thanksss, I don’t even know what I did to deserve such cute readers, love you and merry Christmas too~
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