
I feel conflicted. I feel conflicted with everything and myself. I've been done with my Junior year since May 24 and I'm already 17 since April 16, and the passing of those dates has got me thinking of my future. For one, I took AP Psychology this year and I'm taking Sociology next year in hopes of studying for a career along the lines of a social worker, but now I don't know if that’s what I want. And it's frustrating. So freaking frustrating because some of my peers already have it all planned while I'm here at 1:09 am doubting and severely confused about my future. It's even worse when I only have a few months left with my older sister before she leaves for college. It's not like she’ll be going abroad or leaving the state, but as far as I remember she's always been there and now I'll have to live life without her. She’ll visit during the holidays and I plan on contacting her as much as I can but it doesn't ward off the fear any less. 
          	Right now my parents and older siblings work while I take care of my little sister along with my little brother. I'm constantly getting reminded that I'll be having more responsibilities placed on me such as having to finally get my driver's license and drive, and having to apply for any scholarships or find out about any colleges and financial aid or anything for when I finally go to college after Senior year (legit 2023). 
          	I feel pressured beyond belief and I've not been any closer to getting answers since my last school day. Covid really fricked me up because I swear I'm still the 14-year-old girl I was before the pandemic started. I can only hope I'll find my path during Senior year. 
          	I had to vent, sorry. For anyone actually reading this, thank you for listening to me. Good night. 


@Heatherlololol I feel warmed by your response even though didn't need to, I just felt I needed to throw in a few words. I'm glad we had both realized the best course of action. So thanks and good luck to you too.


@Abella_Verde It’s sometimes hard to figure things out when time keeps going by so fast. I’ve come to accept that all I can do is try my best to go with the flow, so I’m more calmed down than I was the time I wrote this little rant. I’m really sorry about responding late. I wish us both the best luck for the upcoming years. 


@Heatherlololol I think most of us are feeling the same way right now. Like you, I'm starting my last year in high school this coming August, and I don't even know what college to go to after I graduate. But all I know is that right now, we have to do the best of what we can. Not everything goes as planned and if you don't have a plan, just do what you think you need to do right now. Your future self will figure something out. It helps calm one down to not worry too much about the future. Just keep your goal in mind. You'll figure it out day by day.


I feel conflicted. I feel conflicted with everything and myself. I've been done with my Junior year since May 24 and I'm already 17 since April 16, and the passing of those dates has got me thinking of my future. For one, I took AP Psychology this year and I'm taking Sociology next year in hopes of studying for a career along the lines of a social worker, but now I don't know if that’s what I want. And it's frustrating. So freaking frustrating because some of my peers already have it all planned while I'm here at 1:09 am doubting and severely confused about my future. It's even worse when I only have a few months left with my older sister before she leaves for college. It's not like she’ll be going abroad or leaving the state, but as far as I remember she's always been there and now I'll have to live life without her. She’ll visit during the holidays and I plan on contacting her as much as I can but it doesn't ward off the fear any less. 
          Right now my parents and older siblings work while I take care of my little sister along with my little brother. I'm constantly getting reminded that I'll be having more responsibilities placed on me such as having to finally get my driver's license and drive, and having to apply for any scholarships or find out about any colleges and financial aid or anything for when I finally go to college after Senior year (legit 2023). 
          I feel pressured beyond belief and I've not been any closer to getting answers since my last school day. Covid really fricked me up because I swear I'm still the 14-year-old girl I was before the pandemic started. I can only hope I'll find my path during Senior year. 
          I had to vent, sorry. For anyone actually reading this, thank you for listening to me. Good night. 


@Heatherlololol I feel warmed by your response even though didn't need to, I just felt I needed to throw in a few words. I'm glad we had both realized the best course of action. So thanks and good luck to you too.


@Abella_Verde It’s sometimes hard to figure things out when time keeps going by so fast. I’ve come to accept that all I can do is try my best to go with the flow, so I’m more calmed down than I was the time I wrote this little rant. I’m really sorry about responding late. I wish us both the best luck for the upcoming years. 


@Heatherlololol I think most of us are feeling the same way right now. Like you, I'm starting my last year in high school this coming August, and I don't even know what college to go to after I graduate. But all I know is that right now, we have to do the best of what we can. Not everything goes as planned and if you don't have a plan, just do what you think you need to do right now. Your future self will figure something out. It helps calm one down to not worry too much about the future. Just keep your goal in mind. You'll figure it out day by day.


Great. I wake up all anxious about my midterm for AP Psychology and then at the end of my 4th period I hear that someone threatened to shoot up my school this morning and that’s why majority of my school is not here. Everyone knew. Everyone except me :l Hope nothing happens. 


@namiitsuu That and stupidity because now that fricker will have that marked on his record just making it harder for him to receive a job. 


@namiitsuu Thankfully nothing happened. I do know now that the student was arrested, so that’s a relief, but for some reason other schools in my area have also been sent threats, so I don’t know what the heck is happening. 


@Heatherlololol yo you okay right now?


Now that I'm 16 my parents will most likely search for a job for me since I'm now legally old enough to work :’)


@Heatherlololol bruh cant believe dat ur older than meh TwT


@Heatherlololol Happy birthday, you can finally earn your own money


@Heatherlololol omg whahshahsva
             sis, good luck! I'm so proud of you :))))) lots of hugs wryyyy ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ


This morning I took my first step inside my school building in what must be over a year and let me just say, I'm conflicted on whether I should be glad or saddened to be back to school. I'll be able to learn better now, but none of my friends came back to school except one (more perhaps, but idk). This will  be the start of experiencing many emotions.


@Heatherlololol probably what my mind's gonna do to when i also go back to my school TT. nonetheless good luck in your school sis, I'll be here cheering for you ‼ ✨✨✨✨


Bro, I just got the best adrenaline shoot ever. It's 12:13 am right here and I was talking with my siblings at the dining room table, all of us laughing because we're idiots and my older sister gets a call from my mother and we're fricking laughing because we all started looking at each other and shortly after that we hear footsteps and we all bolt to our rooms as my mother threatens to throw us to sleep outside. 
          My sister told me that in the call she said, “Vayanse a dormir, niños pendejos” and I can't stop laughing-
          Sorry mom, I love you. 


@Heatherlololol I dunno what does that mean but I could relate that I laugh at mom secretly with my old sister-


I got obsessed with this anime called Kemono Jihen and I have even read the manga which made my obsession even stronger, but since it's a new anime and it doesn't have many people interested in it (from what I've seen) that means that there's no content such as fanfics (for my ship) which is making me want to throw myself into the road and have Lightning McQueen run me over




@red_diamond7 There is a lot of blood in the manga and there isn’t any hesitation with showing blood in the anime, so it’s safe to say that there’s most likely going to be a lot of blood.




I seriously don't want to destroy the world, but if by the start of March there is still snow around me then dankie doodle hippiti hoopie I will go and snap the imaginary neck of a snowman.


@honey-lette And another where the sun don't shine-


@namiitsuu It seems I now have the duty of running over a snowman *insert car honk*


@Heatherlololol stick two carrots in his face so he should be confused in which nose to breathe in.


I just finished with my 4th and 5th sources for my Bibliography and let me just say that researching and trying to find new information on childhood obesity with the Social/Cultural lens is not an easy thing. I'm afraid all my information will be too repetitive and I'm barely on my 5th source out of 12 so I just hope new information comes along so that it will benefit me when I’m writing my IRR and when I try to include some information on my part of the presentation. Not to mention that I think I should start considering how to start writing my IRR and how to format it better and have it much more organized and informative than the previous one I did. I forgot just how stressful it was to do this presentation, but since the previous one was just a mock version and the teacher was going easy on us, that just means that this time I really need to step up my game and try my best :’)
          It's already 1:01 am and I’m done with my sources for right now so Toodles and I hope you have a great day/night! Thank you to those who read my complaints about this presentation, it makes me glad to know that my feelings were known even if these complaints were just rather jsnsnsjssjs


@ahopebastard have caused the demise of the human race


@TheLiL_Novelist The struggle :’) Also thank you! ❤️ 


@Heatherlololol sounds like presentations can kill a person asap