
I have two jobs just to pay for bills and my own place. So now I’ll be super busy with classes, and two jobs.


@Hobi_Jiminie Best of luck to you. In this economy, it is so difficult to even go out.


I have two jobs just to pay for bills and my own place. So now I’ll be super busy with classes, and two jobs.


@Hobi_Jiminie Best of luck to you. In this economy, it is so difficult to even go out.


Would it matter Rick Grimes and fallen angel Rick Grimes still updated 


It will be updated but it’s going to take some time because of work and university


A little update on my life:
          I got accept into Full Sail University and I’m taking creative writing classes. So I will be too busy to update. My classes don’t start yet but when they do I won’t be able to update.


@Hobi_Jiminie  Congratulations(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠).It's ok.Take your time and focus on your study.


Hola de verdad disculpen el spam,espero estén bien pero vengo a recomendarles mi libro apenas lo estoy escribiendo lleva pocos capítulos,pero diario subo cap...espero que te des la oportunidad de leerlo y es libre de opinar así me estarías ayudando mucho gracias


I’ve been dating a man named John and I’ve never been more happy with a man. He makes me feel loved. He kisses my forehead before he leaves for work. I hope I spend the rest of my life with him. If you want to see a picture of him, I’ll post a picture of him in my life story book.


Você é uma daquelas pessoas que gosta de ler o amor de um cara obsessivo, que faria de tudo pelo que quer?
          Se sim, com certeza irá gostar desta leitura!
          Ela se chama Obsessão de Terceiro Grau. Dê uma chance e você irá gostar, ficarei extremamente feliz!
          Para isso, clique no link abaixo!