
Can you guys vote more for RWBY: Maximum Carnage book, please?


I Vote for this book.


I have a question for you Have you seen the movie lord of the rings and play the game shadow of mordor can you do Michael a descendant of aragorn and talion and have the sword name anduril flame of the west and urfael and Acharn and bow and sliver arrow and supreme ring a merge of sauron and celebrimbor ring and dark ranger armor and was in underworld and ship be Michael x selene  please do a bio tomorrow 


For the love of God, read other fanfiction and learn how to form sentences and paragraphs correctly. You use "was" in places it doesn't need to be, and where "is" or "are" SHOULD be. Have you ever heard of a comma in your life? Or what even is a run-on sentence? Because every single thing you write is run-on sentences. Work on your punctuation.
          And, why do you even include rapists and pedophiles in the dislikes, when they're never in the fanfic? In your Transformers Prime, Ben 10, and Carnage Harem fic, the main character is 26 years old but yet it has Miko, a 15-YEAR-OLD. THAT IS AN 11 YEAR GAP. THE MAIN CHARACTER IS A PEDOPHILE FOR HAVING A RELATIONSHIP WITH MIKO.
          You're giving Wattpad a bad name just by your terrible writing alone. Learn how to write actual legible fanfiction before posting. You have the grammar of a failing 5th grader.


@FlamingKits720 Do me a favor...just shut your mouth and if you don't want to read it...Fine! and leave...Leave don't even coming back!


@FlamingKits720 You sounds just like the other just looks like him...Disrespectful and prick.


@FlamingKits720 Look, buddy...I am understand that...but I didn't add goddamn lemons or mature in the story and I tries to learning English, man. So do me a favor...shut the hell up.