Hi everyone :)
          	I just wanted to come on here and be real with how i am feeling.
          	I haven't updated my books in a while because honestly i have been struggling with  being motivated to do so.
          	I struggle with ocd tendencies and it can make writing hard sometimes because i just get really in my head.
          	And there was an account that i wrote bellow about that i had to block.Nothing against them as a person, but for my own sake i had to, because i found i was becoming obsessed with what they were saying (not the best which hey that's okay not everyone is going to like my stories.) and it was starting to impact me.
          	So i will still write for my infinity series and Percy Jackson but other stories will be taken done for the foreseeable future (maybe i'll be inspired to finish them someday)
          	I have always said that i will finish the infinity series and i promise to stick by that.That series means the world to me and it would feel awful if i didn't finish it for everyone that has loved the series and for me.
          	Thanks to whoever reads this.Hope you have a good day or night or even morning lmao.


@Annoyedb thank you so much for your kind words 


@IAMABIGMAC  Glad to hear it! And thank you. Your writing is so creative and original, the way you bring your characters to life is incredible. I can’t wait to read more when it comes.


@Annoyedb I am feeling better thank you ❤️ I really appreciate your comments on the series and here :) 


Hi, I’m glad you’re starting to write your stories again. I hope you’ve been doing good. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Have a great day. Also, I love your stories a lot.


@AngeLongo yeah if you go on notifications there is a bar at the top that says messages that’s how you send a pm :) 


@IAMABIGMAC also do you have like another place where we can do PMs just wondering thank you. Have a great day.


Very well thank you 


          If you don't mind can you please tell me which book is first book on Maria stark.


Of course i don’t mind :) 
            So I am writing in a backwards order in the sense that I started at infinity wars and am only at iron man 2 
            So here’s the list :)
            Infinity - finished (infinity war)
            Friendship - homecoming (still writing)
            Divided - finished (civil war) 
            Family - finished (age of ultron) 
            Lost - finished (iron man 3) 
            Group - finished (avengers 2012)
            Together - still writing (iron man 2)
            All that I have left after I finish iron man 2 and homecoming is iron man 1 and endgame 
            Hope this helped ❤️


Hi everyone :)
          I just wanted to come on here and be real with how i am feeling.
          I haven't updated my books in a while because honestly i have been struggling with  being motivated to do so.
          I struggle with ocd tendencies and it can make writing hard sometimes because i just get really in my head.
          And there was an account that i wrote bellow about that i had to block.Nothing against them as a person, but for my own sake i had to, because i found i was becoming obsessed with what they were saying (not the best which hey that's okay not everyone is going to like my stories.) and it was starting to impact me.
          So i will still write for my infinity series and Percy Jackson but other stories will be taken done for the foreseeable future (maybe i'll be inspired to finish them someday)
          I have always said that i will finish the infinity series and i promise to stick by that.That series means the world to me and it would feel awful if i didn't finish it for everyone that has loved the series and for me.
          Thanks to whoever reads this.Hope you have a good day or night or even morning lmao.


@Annoyedb thank you so much for your kind words 


@IAMABIGMAC  Glad to hear it! And thank you. Your writing is so creative and original, the way you bring your characters to life is incredible. I can’t wait to read more when it comes.


@Annoyedb I am feeling better thank you ❤️ I really appreciate your comments on the series and here :) 


          I highly recommended that if you have Tik tok , to participate in those filters !! All proceeds are donated to help Gaza.
          You can private the videos as well if you don’t want to post them publicly. 
          The Tik tokers @ is therealoverloadcomedy , an amazing person (like many others who are also donating and brining awareness to what’s going on) who is donating all funds they make from these filters to Gaza and Congo 
          Their pinned videos explain about how they make donations and how we can support !! 
          I support Palestine  




OMFG never have I been so caught up in a storyline like infinity!! It is honestly such a nice twist to the story’s. Love to imagine the avengers having a person like Maria, who they all care so much about.
          Really really impressed of your skills as a story writer and gift to share interesting details without it being too much nor not enough!!❤️
          Really looking forward to read endgame! And hope it’s gonna be soon;)


Thank you so much ❤️ this means a lot to me 
            I always smile when ever I get comments , truly makes my day.
            I’m focused right now on getting iron man 2 and homecoming done right now and I was hoping to finish homecoming this year especially but have had a busy year :)
            ( I also have a Percy Jackson book I am writing as well so there is also that) 
            Now that I’m not as busy I’m working on getting those chapters done now 
            I’m thinking endgame will come out sometime next year :) 


I just want to come on here and thank you all for 1.21k followers .
          What even is my life ! If you were to tell me when i was writing infinity that,that story would get 143k reads (And my other stories getting 1k/more) and this many followers i would not have believed you.
          I love interacting with you all when you comment on my stories.Your support means so much to me and really makes me motivated to write.I love that my stories mean as much to you all as they do to me <3
          i'm so speechless...14 year old me would be jumping for joy at seeing everyones votes and comments.Like i said i really do try my best to respond to every comment/dm that i get ! 
          Brb gonna go cry tears of joy :)


@-CERYSALORA ahh thank youuu ❤️


@oceansgivepeace thank you so much ❤️


congrats!! you deserve it!! so proud of you 


Is there going to be a endgame for Maria’s story? ☺️


Thank you for responding! 


Hi :)
            Yes there will be 
            I just need to finish writing iron man 2,Spider-Man home coming and iron man 1 
            Once I’m done with those I will begin endgame.
            Just been busy these last few months but I’m hoping to find some time to sit down and write again ❤️