
Authorr , I’ve been obsessing over your story for years noww ! it’s an absolute masterpiece! i re-read it way too often ,, you wouldn’t happen to be interested in making a discord server or anything would you ? I’d love to send fanart ! I’d even be willing to support you if you opened a patreon or kofi account !! just really want to show my support for your work in anyway possible !! pleaseeee think about it dearest authorrr <3


Hey author!! If you have some free time can we see all of the characters faces? Like sketches and all,I would love to see more of ur art I'm really obsessed with it and I could talk hours how I love Altair SM That my best friend would get tired of hearing it  have a nice day author!! 


Hi dear author! I just want to tell you that I've had 7 hopes of you updating your story,167 imaginary scenarios,  3 dreams about your work and 29 disappointed face when i saw that you haven't updated yet... I'll be waiting... Tell Altair to hurry up or I'll kidnap Scorpius!