
hello, folks. I am just going to ask what preferences you wanna see and what military inspirations I can do for you all. Just type here what you wanna see and I can see what I can do.


hello out there, I just wish to hear about what stories you wish for me to focus upon and I will do so based upon the popular voting of said stories and the comments on this post.


Do Raven in a brave new world, I very much like that one


Greeting, general.
          I've seen that you're a quite impressive strategist. Would you like to put your skills in a  real test?


@MeradTaki Don't worry about me using my own arsenal, General. I can just use what I have already! the Nuclear Bombs will shut off the Toxins for good! Stealth is no match for my superior armor which it cannot destroy! and The infantry will be so numerous, you'll run out of bombs in seconds before they overwhelm you and give me victory on a bloody gold platter.


@IvanGlazkov Be sure that ugly face is the last you would see when our toxin arsenal got unleashed upon your pitfull army
            You relay on numbers while we realy on bio_weapons that will kill them all
            You relay on heavy tanks while be relay on explosions that will turn them to ashes
            You relay on neaclear weapon. Well,our assassins and Saratog could easily destroy them all


@IvanGlazkov very well, a fair round by the original ZH mod only
            ( You're a fan of China faction, ha. Would to consider rating a unit a special made for that faction.
            Note ; I'm more of a Gla fan but other factions have there unique and interesting ideas)