
UPDATE: I have unpublished my book "LOVE TAKES TIME" from Wattpad. As I had previously mentioned, the book will be up for sale on Amazon Kindle ect. and hard copies will also be available soon. The book has just gone LIVE on Amazon Kindle. You can go and check it out using this link https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fdp%2FB09VH8WW3V%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2J1LPKfWld_Vf7YTP9S2ej5LKm9CUgMgHvL9h63PBJzqhIqqQXnj4PCSA&h=AT2lx4TzUA43e-SfdAjert8-psqAve3xx8MHJn6uqVH4jaDnSLgYA5Hmzw9IuK5hyHrR0WYaFzRRvz5UW7uozgyl6z0KouMIAvq6yaieNeYv5Tube-QoBYCiyqvFvDWGvwSxFA .....THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN FOR ALL THE LOVE SUPPORT YOU'VE SHOWN ME HERE ON WATTPAD. I LOVE YOU!


@vanillagalaxiez  Thank you so much honey pie. I appreciate you.


@Iyanaroache congratulations! I'm so happy for you ❤


          1) i would really appreciate if you can give my story a try 
          2) i need help in writing the second chapter of this book, as a kid my mind is completely blank but im very much determined to complete this story  
          [ it's about a hollywood actress, some romance and the main plot is about revenge ] 
          the notes i made for the 2nd chapter : she's in a production studio, auditioning for her first ever flim. 
          anyone who can help, please pm me. 
          i won't fail to give you credits


UPDATE: I have unpublished my book "LOVE TAKES TIME" from Wattpad. As I had previously mentioned, the book will be up for sale on Amazon Kindle ect. and hard copies will also be available soon. The book has just gone LIVE on Amazon Kindle. You can go and check it out using this link https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fdp%2FB09VH8WW3V%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2J1LPKfWld_Vf7YTP9S2ej5LKm9CUgMgHvL9h63PBJzqhIqqQXnj4PCSA&h=AT2lx4TzUA43e-SfdAjert8-psqAve3xx8MHJn6uqVH4jaDnSLgYA5Hmzw9IuK5hyHrR0WYaFzRRvz5UW7uozgyl6z0KouMIAvq6yaieNeYv5Tube-QoBYCiyqvFvDWGvwSxFA .....THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN FOR ALL THE LOVE SUPPORT YOU'VE SHOWN ME HERE ON WATTPAD. I LOVE YOU!


@vanillagalaxiez  Thank you so much honey pie. I appreciate you.


@Iyanaroache congratulations! I'm so happy for you ❤


Notice: I will be updating my completed book, Love Takes Time, in just a few seconds. Nothing major was changed, but I did join one chapter with another, and also renamed some of the chapters. Some minor editing was done. Thank you for all your support in reading my book, it will soon be available on Amazon kindle, and some other websites. Some hard copies will also be printed for selling.


NOTICE: I will be doing some additions and making some changes as it relates to the structure of my works. I appreciate all your support on my work thus far:) and I want you all to have an amazing experience while reading my works, so if I'm to do this I should make sure everything is done correctly. Thank you!


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating for such a long time. And I'm sad to let you know that I'll be taking a break from Wattpad for a while. Just trying to get some things in place personally. Thanks for understanding and you guys can still hop in and support my work, thanks


Hey love bugs❤️. I haven't posted in a long while since I completed "Love Takes Time", but I am working on updates for "Ready to live with you".....please be patient with me, I'm having a hard time with some personal stuff:-(:'(, . Thanks for understanding