
Name change!
          	I'm reorganizing and sorting out a few things, and with that comes a name change for this site.  I've had a lot change in my life these last few years that have changed the interests I had in writing, and along with putting some distance between those stories and the ones I'll be posting here, I wanted to come up with a new name that reflected that personal growth.  Essentially, my old account name just doesn't fit as well anymore.
          	I was hoping to come up with a more standard pen name of sorts, and I'm still hoping to come up with one to use... but nothing I've thought up so far really seemed to fit.  So there might be another change sometime in the future, but for now, 'Iyashi Kitsune' has been jumping out at me.
          	A lot of my writing interest has shifted to themes of healing - that was a theme in Joy's Story and Lost Change, with the character's recovery from trauma.  It's also a theme in a story I'm going back and editing, and which I will hopefully be posting soon.  And that's what Iyashi means:  'soothing', or 'healing'.  It felt appropriate for a number of reasons, and I like the way it sounds.
          	So for now at least, that's the name for this account - Iyashi Kitsune, the healing fox.
          	Thanks for reading!  I hope to have another story ready for posting soon, and will let you know when it's ready.  ^_^


Your profile picture is cool too


@IyashiKitsune I knew that silver face looked familiar, that's one face I'd recognize anywhere


@wolffang40 Thank you, and yes, it is.  :D


is that nate with the fish there?


When is another Pokemon book coming out?


@Darkstormthemedcat I still plan to write more stuff - I have a fanfic of Tricked Into Flight that I just finished the first draft on, and I'm probably going to touch up an earlier story I did and get that formatted for Wattpad after - I just don't have any ideas that fit into the Pokemon setting.  ^_^;  Thank you though - I'm glad you enjoyed it!  :D
            You should try and write anyways!  Nobody starts out good; I'm only turning out the stories I am because I turned out a looooooot of awful stories that I ended up learning from.  xD  Keep writing things you enjoy, that's the important part!


Dang, its okay, i just really liked the one you wrote lol, your a really good writer, i love to write but could never get more than a couple chapters published on here


@Darkstormthemedcat I don't really have any ideas for another Pokemon story right now, so I can’t say.  ^^;  Sorry.  :(