
As she reads the energy, it makes her stomach turn, and she senses that he's taunting and toying with someone's emotions. Grabbing her phone from under her pillow, she opens the media, and goes directly to his page. 
          	Looking at his new post of him harming someone, invisible pins instantly stab all over her body, as his energy hits her back. With her squinching her body, she closes his page, and then opens Isla's page. Seeing a new post of people seeking revenge, she shakes her head in disgust, and closes the media. 
          	(Insert From The Novel DARK HUMAN)


As she reads the energy, it makes her stomach turn, and she senses that he's taunting and toying with someone's emotions. Grabbing her phone from under her pillow, she opens the media, and goes directly to his page. 
          Looking at his new post of him harming someone, invisible pins instantly stab all over her body, as his energy hits her back. With her squinching her body, she closes his page, and then opens Isla's page. Seeing a new post of people seeking revenge, she shakes her head in disgust, and closes the media. 
          (Insert From The Novel DARK HUMAN)


Ivory pulls into the festival parking lot, and they sit in the car for a few minutes. With the frost in the air, the car heater blares, and they look out the front windshield, and watch the witches talk to one another. As Ivory turns off the car, she looks over at Luna, and says, "Are you ready? It looks like fun."
          "Yepper. I'm ready," Luna says, as she opens the passenger side door. 
          As they walk around, they eventually stop at a tent, and talk to the vendor. With Ivory picking up a necklace, and looking at it, Luna begins to smell smoke in the air. Putting her nose up, she takes a couple of sniffs, and says to Ivory, "Ivory, I'll be right back. I smell a bonfire."
          "Alright, Luna."


Dear Diary~
          I've taken Laura's and Victoria's advice, and decided to wear purple and write. I'm not too sure if it's working or how long I'm supposed to wear this color, but I'll wear it, till I'm sick of it. I guess time will tell if it actually heightens my psychic senses then what they already are. 
          Even though Kyle's not happy with me heightening my psychic senses, I suspect that he's a witch, as well. How else is always one step ahead of me?
          He knows, that I know, that he's up to something or at least hiding something, but I just can't prove it at this time. Such as, why is he always going to Tim's or always fishing at the Salem Harbor? It's just weird that he's always gone lately. I don't know, but I'm starting to think that maybe he has a thing for Tim, but I just can't prove it. 