
Hello everyone.
          	I have just started a new story called 'The Detective', it is about Richard Grayson (Nightwing) when he is a police officer in Bludhaven. The first chapter is called The Rookie. 
          	Quick summary: Officer Richard 'Dick' Grayson is a rookie detective in Bludhaven and has been tasked for a transfer case in Gotham City. His assignment: to discover the true identity of the Batman. After having the opportunity to work with the Bats firsthand, he enters the Vigilante world as Nightwing with hesitancy as he internally fights over his two roles... Cop or Vigilante? 
          	Prompt: What if Dick was never taken in by Bruce Wayne? 
          	I will post the second chapter sometime this week, and it will be much longer than the first. Please, please read this and let me know what you think. This will be a long project (in terms of length, not time) so don't worry. Love and respect to all my people out there!


@ JayH00D  can you update please


@JayH00D looks good, I’ll read it


Hello!!! Just came across your profile and loved the kakashi ×potterhead world, rrally loved the idea. But, when will you update the next chapter in the year 5????? Really reallly hooked to read ut further. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience. 


@DpkKshk It has been a while since I last updated. Don't worry, it is not abandoned.
            If you have any ideas that you want to see, let me know, I could use some!


I love it too ^^


Yass I love the crossover