
Hello there sweet readers!
          	It's the season of love and I can't miss this opportunity to give you all a sneak peak into the love lives of the men of my book world.
          	After hosting a poll on my Instagram page for the same, I realised you guys are really hungry for updates and thirsty for the steam! 
          	So add my book 50PM to your reading lists so that you don't miss out on the Valentines day update there!
          	Also follow me on my insta page to be a part of the Q&A session I'll host there on the 14th.
          	ID is JustDream431
          	See you soon...
          	Much love ♥️♥️


Hello there sweet readers!
          It's the season of love and I can't miss this opportunity to give you all a sneak peak into the love lives of the men of my book world.
          After hosting a poll on my Instagram page for the same, I realised you guys are really hungry for updates and thirsty for the steam! 
          So add my book 50PM to your reading lists so that you don't miss out on the Valentines day update there!
          Also follow me on my insta page to be a part of the Q&A session I'll host there on the 14th.
          ID is JustDream431
          See you soon...
          Much love ♥️♥️


Heyy author
          Can you please tell that when are you going to update Will's past Will's words??


@JustDream431 oh ohk and best of luck for ur next book 


@AkshitaSingla7 hello dear reader. The latest series in WPWW has been completed (Wills's birthday). I'm now focusing on my next book which continues after 50PM. So I don't have any upcoming updates for WPWW for next few months.
            Much love 


Next update  please 


@Hshwuudjdjncjd hi there dear. I'd request you to check the writers note after the epilogue chapter of Fifty pushups Miss and scroll down till the 'few bitter words' part. I'll appreciate it if you read it and understand the points made..
            Much love ♥️


Hi buddy I was wondering if you are still working on that book cause I am very excited for new book yknow I just reread you books again and again.


@JustDream431 definitely waiting for next year then and so excited


@ArshdeepKaur328 hey thank you so much for this post. I'm really glad that you liked my work and read it more than once. I'm working on the next book, I promise. And I'm going to use the upcoming vacation to reach a decent level of 'wip'  i plan to start publishing this new book by mid next year. Hope you will continue your interest and support then too. Thanks again. ♥️


          How abt you write a book on wills and nick as fathers 


@arshia871 I'm glad that you're so excited. But I'm also sorry that i don't have a date planned yet. The book is still not complete, not even close. So I don't want to give anyone false hopes. Hope you understand ♥️


Do you have a date in mind


Hiii!! I was just wondering if u are going to make a book on Nick and Wills with their love interests?


@JustDream431 Oh okk thank you!! Btw I love your bookss <333


@fycklol Thanks for reaching out.. Yes I will. I'm planning to publish the next book with these characters and their partners. But it's going to take some time. Thank you 