If you have any prompts for Sterek moments you would like to have the characters view in the next chapter please let me know and i will be using anywhere between 5 and 10 memories depending on how detailed prompts are and will credit anyone who contributes :) 


You could do something like right before they went there separate ways. Like stiles came over because Derek wanted to talk and he knew what was happening but when Derek told him they had to go there separate ways because of how there lives were and all stiles ask of him is one last departing kiss before he left on good terms 


I don’t know what video but I think there’s are edits on TikTok or YouTube videos  that kinda mentions that stiles might be Derek anchor, I’m not really sure. 
          	  Derek believing and protecting stiles 
          	  Teen Derek and stiles 
          	  Stiles and Derek funny moments 


          If you have any prompts for Sterek moments you would like to have the characters view in the next chapter please let me know and i will be using anywhere between 5 and 10 memories depending on how detailed prompts are and will credit anyone who contributes :) 


You could do something like right before they went there separate ways. Like stiles came over because Derek wanted to talk and he knew what was happening but when Derek told him they had to go there separate ways because of how there lives were and all stiles ask of him is one last departing kiss before he left on good terms 


I don’t know what video but I think there’s are edits on TikTok or YouTube videos  that kinda mentions that stiles might be Derek anchor, I’m not really sure. 
            Derek believing and protecting stiles 
            Teen Derek and stiles 
            Stiles and Derek funny moments 


Putting it on here to hold myself accountable so I actually get it done.
          I WILL update TLHL I will, I’m just in a bit of a pickle with how to go about the chapter.
          I am currently working on it - can’t say how long it will take me to finish but I will get there just bare with me my lovelies 


Im inlove with TLHL are you gonna update soon?


@blxed1ts yay thank you also hope you do good with your last year of school and have a good time


@blxed1ts I will update in a few months once I’ve finished my last year of school :) 


TLHS has me in a chokehold! when do you think you’ll update! :))


YAY!! ❤️❤️i hope the rest of ur school year goes well! & take ur time 


@SincerelyAngelBerry As soon as I can, I’m in my last year of high school so I’ve been hammered with study recently so I may not be able to update in a few months, but I will update when I get the chance xx


@KRUG3R when will you start on the teen wolf reaction again? Or is it not going to be continued? 


@Nicole13972 I am not sure when the next chapter will be up, I’m currently in year 12 and this year has been very busy for me, but I have not and will not abandon this story, if just may take a while for a mother update because of school (I have started writing it though) 