
Hey guys! 
          	As of right now, I'm going inactive in most of my social media. Sorry about not updating anybody on Wattpad regarding this. There are multiple issues, both in real-life and online, that I believe I should attend to first.
          	I will make an actual return on Wattpad when I find some balance in my life. Thank you all for your support through your messages!
          	PS: Thank you for making Kells Designs reach the Top 40 in the #mdc!


HEWO! how's you?! 
          I'm here to say that I was hoping to see graphics from you here but sadly there aren't any! :'(
          Also, you are really talented! 


@KaIypso pleasure is all mine! :)


@KaIypso no prob! 
            Yup! I have been following your works on da. Best of luck!


Hey guys! 
          As of right now, I'm going inactive in most of my social media. Sorry about not updating anybody on Wattpad regarding this. There are multiple issues, both in real-life and online, that I believe I should attend to first.
          I will make an actual return on Wattpad when I find some balance in my life. Thank you all for your support through your messages!
          PS: Thank you for making Kells Designs reach the Top 40 in the #mdc!


Hey there! Sorry for not updating my books lately. Later this week or starting next week, updates will go back to normal, I promise.
          How To Become A Kelly, although a discontinued book, has reached #83 in the " #randomthoughts" category. Although I will be unpublishing this book soon, I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible!
          I'd like to announce that my DeviantArt Graphic Portfolio, and my links to Resources, are growing fast. If you'd like to visit them, click on one of these links:
          https://www.deviantart.com/kellsdesigns/ - My Graphics.
          https://www.deviantart.com/kellsdesigns/favourites/ - Favourited Resources.
          Besides those announcements, a Resource Pack is in the works. It should be completed within the next 1-2 weeks.
          Thanks for your support, and stay awesome! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


Another quick update: 5 minutes after posting this, Kells Designs reached #140 in #mdc . Thanks again for being amazing readers and supporters!


          Kells Designs has recently published another Tutorial regarding Blending Stocks. To find the tutorial, click here: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/180402002-kells-designs .
          Spread the word about the novel! HTBAK "How To Become A Kellsy" will be updated tomorrow.
          Furthermore, I do have one Temporary Cover Shop, and a Permanent Critiquing + Editing Service available. To request for either, please click the following...
          https://www.wattpadwriters.com/t/kells-designs-covers-ps-open/71086 .
          https://www.wattpadwriters.com/t/kells-designs-critique-editing-services-open/71695 .
          Thank you very much for your support! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)


Welp, gotta love advertising.
            I'm slowly building a DeviantArt Resource Folder through my favourites. If you are a Graphic Designer and are in desperate need of resources, I have 10-pages worth of Stocks and Models saved. You may browse them here: https://www.deviantart.com/kellsdesigns/favourites/ .
            I also may put up a Resource Pack soon. Stay tuned!


Hey! I haven't seen you in so long omg, I don't even know who's active anymore ahhh
          How have you been? o: 


@caleidoscope I know right... don't worry, we'll find our way.
            We're in this together... I don't know anybody either :( .


righht! i miss seeing people interact in livestreams ): they were always so fun
            i'd be down to try! i'm just not as familiar with the people who are left in the community ahhh


@caleidoscope I know... I noticed after they change the threads, many Wattpad designers left :( .
            Try starting up a live stream sometime: maybe it will revive some people XD.


Hey there!
          HTBAK (How To Become A Kellsy) and Kells Designs have finally been published. Both will be providing some very useful content, both for everyday life and for Graphics. Spread the word! 
          I have a Temporary Cover Shop, if you'd like to request a Graphic. This can be found here: https://www.wattpadwriters.com/t/kells-designs-cover-shop-open/71086 .
          Stay awesome! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


Bonjour, mes amis!
          I'll temporarily bring back "How To Be A Kelly" to post a major announcement. Simply put: I will be permanently closing down the novel to the public but it will not be deleted. 
          I will be publishing two new novels, the first one being "How To Be A Kellsy". HTBAK will be my permanent semi-rant/opinion/life-guide book. The other novel I'll be posting is "Kells Designs", a permanent novel for my Graphics and Graphic Guides, Resources, Tips, Tricks, and Freebies.
          At the latest, both of these novels should be published by today (March 2, 2019) at 11 PM EST. Be sure to check both out!
          As a reply to this post, a link to my non-permanent Graphics Shop (for Covers) will be open. If you are in need of a cover, click on the link (found in the reply to this link).
          Have a wonderful day!


Due to late inconveniences, "Kells Designs" will be published tomorrow. Thank you for understanding!


The change, both in Wattpad and in my Profile, is starting! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
          So far, everything in my Profile except my novel "How To Be a Kelly" has changed. I'd like to notify all of you that I will be re-vamping the entirety of my novel, therefore it will be down for approximately 1-2 weeks. I apoligize for any inconveniences.
          Besides that, I will be deleting some old works that some of you may have saved in your Libraries. If you see any work disappearances, that's why.
          Lastly, I will most likely open a Graphical Shop in the MDC Forum, which will follow with a Graphical novel by yours truly. Stay tuned for more info.
          Have a nice day, and I hope you like the new Wattpad layout!


Hello, fellow followers and friends!
          It's been 3+ years since I've last used Wattpad, and for a long time I've considered returning. Due to the amount of free time I have, I will most likely return to Wattpad in the next 1-2 weeks.
          Due to this, I will be changing 100% of my profile, from the people I'm following, to my bio, to my profile picture, and such. I may consider opening a Graphical Design shop to improve my skills. I will also be clearing most of my Conversation board here, and may, or may not, re-vamp the current book I have published.
          With this said, I've moved my Graphical Design album elsewhere due to Imgur removing their Album Feature. My newest Graphics can be found in my Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/kellsdesigns. Any form of favouriting, support, and commenting is highly appreciated, but keep in mind that all of my Graphics are copyrighted.
          Thank you to those who've followed me even in my absence, and I hope to adapt to this new Wattpad UI that I haven't seen back in 2015-2016.
          If you'd like to chat, do PM me on Wattpad. Otherwise, have a nice day!