
Hi, so in case you haven't noticed I've been on hiatus for a little while. This is due to two things.
          	1. College, I've been rather busy with it, however I have found a way to manage my time as well as my hobbies, so it shouldn't be as big of a problem anymore. 
          	2. Lack of motivation. You see, I love my stories, but I think bc of the fact that I have written so many mha stories, they've become boring to me. 
          	So, as a solution, I am going to take a break from mha stories in favor of other stories (such as spyxfamily and the legend of vox machina which I am writing at the moment hehe, speaking of if you haven't watched either of them yet, you absolutely must). Does this mean I'm abandoning my mha stories? No, I'm just putting them on pause. I'm hoping that writing other stories will help cure my mha boredom. Plus, I'm just obsessed with those shows at the moment.
          	I'm sorry to the fans of my mha stories, but I hope that writing these other stories will help fill the gap in the meantime and maybe even introduce you all to new shows, especially vox machina. I'm literally obsessed haha.
          	Anyway, have a good day.


@Knerd14 I'll wait patiently for your awaiting arival! I love the Touya one very much!


Hi, so in case you haven't noticed I've been on hiatus for a little while. This is due to two things.
          1. College, I've been rather busy with it, however I have found a way to manage my time as well as my hobbies, so it shouldn't be as big of a problem anymore. 
          2. Lack of motivation. You see, I love my stories, but I think bc of the fact that I have written so many mha stories, they've become boring to me. 
          So, as a solution, I am going to take a break from mha stories in favor of other stories (such as spyxfamily and the legend of vox machina which I am writing at the moment hehe, speaking of if you haven't watched either of them yet, you absolutely must). Does this mean I'm abandoning my mha stories? No, I'm just putting them on pause. I'm hoping that writing other stories will help cure my mha boredom. Plus, I'm just obsessed with those shows at the moment.
          I'm sorry to the fans of my mha stories, but I hope that writing these other stories will help fill the gap in the meantime and maybe even introduce you all to new shows, especially vox machina. I'm literally obsessed haha.
          Anyway, have a good day.


@Knerd14 I'll wait patiently for your awaiting arival! I love the Touya one very much!


Hey? How r u? Will you continue updating your stories? They’re the bests!


Don’t worry about it 
            Take your time to decided and don’t feel rushed


@Stormbreaker-0 Hey, this is very late and I'm sorry about that. I haven't been on wattpad in a long time, but I am making a comeback. I don't know if I'm going to be updating much of the 'A Sister' One, but I am starting a new story! As for the other Touya story, I haven't made up my mind yet as to whether I want to keep going with that one. Thank you for enjoying my stories tho!


Are you still doing your stories? 


Lmao literally cried my eyes out


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@AlexandriaSutherland oh god don't make me sad, but give me all the fucking ideas bc that's perfect lol


@Knerd14 bet the sister will feel abandoned now, since he didn't bother to see her 


When you realize that one man, Kellen Goff, the dude who voices Overhaul, also voices all of these characters from Fnaf.
          Glamrock Freddy
          Funtime Freddy/Bon Bon
          Molten Freddy
          Sun and Moon.
          NONE of these sound like Overhaul (like I hear it now that I know it, but I never would have guessed)
          Not to mention how he also voices Porco from AOT, Teritsuka? I think that's how you spell it? from Saiki K, the spider dad from Demon Slayer, and so much more.
          It's like if Bryce Papenbrook had range.


Oh yeah Kellen Goff is amazing


Manga spoilers: Don't read if you aren't caught up with the manga. 
          So, from what we know and saw in the war arc, it's safe to say that the final battles will look like this:
          Shiggy-For-One vs. Deku
          Todoroki and possibly Endeavor vs. Dabi
          Uraraka vs. Toga
          But what about Bakugou? Is he going to be helping Deku beat Shiggy-For-One? Is he going to be fighting a random villain from the Paranormal Liberation Front? What is he going to be doing? I personally think that he'll start the fight with Deku but then will be drawn away from the fight by some other villain so Deku and Shiggy-For-One can have a 1v1. But the question is which villain? Spinner? Getan? Who will it be? I want to know your theories as to what Bakugou may be doing/who he will be fighting come the final arc/battle of the series.


Yo, I've got an idea, and this idea contains chapter 290 manga spoilers so don't throw a fit at me when this spoils you. You've been warned.
          Anyway, so you know how in mha recently, they've been teasing the superstition that whenever someone's talking about you, you sneeze. We saw it with both Todoroki and Hawks during season 5. Well I was thinking like it would be cool, now that they've established that idea, that they use it to tease dabi's reveal. I know they won't but wouldn't it be cool if they talked even a little about Touya in like the Todoroki household, like Natsu was reliving old memories with Fuyumi, something like that, anyway what if after that, it cut to a dark figure (Dabi) sneezing. I know it would totally spoil the fact that Touya is alive, but I think it's a cool concept, especially since they keep using that motif in the story. Who knows, I might use it for one of my fanfics.