
Ok not to be *that* writer but what the heck…where did all my readers go?! I miss y’all what happened?! It’s been a ghost town in my notifs  I’ve been so proud of my updating recently  I won’t stop tho, just wanted to be a cry baby for a sec 


@Wrenavyn2 hahaha no worries, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy or anything. And don't worry, irl things are more important anyway, so be active whenever and however you feel like it <3


@truth_or_dare_queen bruh I know, it was quite the drawback tbh. My sister moved to AO3 and I'm debating if I should post some of my things there too. I'll still be here tho, I don't like change much, being a creature of habit and all that haha, but I hope you are doing well tho!


          I’ll be glad if you take a look at my story
          I believe it’ll be worth your time
          Sorry for putting this on your message book
          Hope you enjoy it!


@Kicotaco Oh thank you for sharing it! I'll be sure to give it a look soon! It sure looks promising <3


Ok not to be *that* writer but what the heck…where did all my readers go?! I miss y’all what happened?! It’s been a ghost town in my notifs  I’ve been so proud of my updating recently  I won’t stop tho, just wanted to be a cry baby for a sec 


@Wrenavyn2 hahaha no worries, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy or anything. And don't worry, irl things are more important anyway, so be active whenever and however you feel like it <3


@truth_or_dare_queen bruh I know, it was quite the drawback tbh. My sister moved to AO3 and I'm debating if I should post some of my things there too. I'll still be here tho, I don't like change much, being a creature of habit and all that haha, but I hope you are doing well tho!


Posted the first chapter! Go give Voyage of the Heart Treader some love! I plan to update as frequently as I feasibly can haha! Thank you in advance for your support!


@KobayashiMarue AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am writing a new WHOLE ENTIRE FIC! I've been dying to do this so I'll be sneaking it in between requests. One thing I'm so sad about though is now JANK the cover turned out! It looked so much better in Canva   so don't mind that it looks horrible, I just hope people like the story 


@FairyTaleKOTLCAddict crossing fingers it's worth the wait hahaha




Wait! With the PMs going away where the heck do I talk with you guys?! I mean, I was horrible with it cuz of life and my notifications would never go off but still! Maybe I'll make an IG account or SOMETHING idk for now if y'all have requests just comment on a story! I'll definitely see it that way
          Anyway that's it, see ya ❤️❤️


            I created an Insta profile with the username @thegameison97.wp so people on here could keep in touch with me / DM me on there.


Some times I'm writing and I'm like 5k words in and stop and go "who the heck is this for?? I swesr it all seemse so pointless" then I get to the actual part I wanted to write and I'm like "oh yeah this is for me and my fantasies" silly me. Don't get me wrong I LOOOOVE  writing for an audience but I need to remind myself I am an audience as well haha 


Guys. Life isn't fair sometimes. I had a horrible medical emergency a few months ago and it's last effects have been very persistent
          HOWEVER! I am now able to sit up and write! Keep an eye out! So sorry I've been so MIA. I keep saying I'll be writing more then BOOM life throws me the worst curve balls. I'll be working on requests first then add my own one shots. Thank you for sticking with me  
          Bless you all!


@KobayashiMarue yay im so happy you can sit up and write!! :) my best wishes for you stay safe 。⁠♡


Also! If y'all are trying to send me any sort of messages I don't get notified of it so forgive me if I don't get back to you right away, but I'm checking as often as I can just in case! 
          Hope you all are doing well! 


@MissStarfleetCaptain yes!!! Tho I’m working two jobs as of right now but I will for sure get to it! What are you looking for?