

Okay, I updated my discord!! Anyone who wants in can be in it. It has book titles and things like that, so if you need book cover ideas or want to post things in my discord about their books or anything else let me know!


Got my first two hate comments in Ao3 don't know why but I find them hilarious and I'm going to save them. 
          You don't know how to write in this genre
          Save us next time from this trash you have outdone yourself. 
          Bro, I didn't know there was a thing as to not read a book. Maybe if you don't like it you can read something else I mean it's not that hard. Heck somethings of mine aren't detailed and it's on purpose because I may be an adult but some subjects I am still uncomfortable with lol want detailed pervy books ho to porn hub at least mine has a decent story line lol 


 @Lirix123 true someone is claiming I stole there work and I'm like is it word for word? If so then not only did you call your work trash you copied me lol. Either way I'm not going to throw a fit over it because I'm not getting paid to write 


@Lirix123 Ong. They scrolled ALL the way down and took their sweet time to type it up and commented it. Some ppl just like to be mean for no reason, and it's goofy 


Came to remind everyone I have a discord for all readers and writers. I know I have talked about it a lot, but it's for everyone. It has genres for everyone, and everyone is allowed to post their stories they have been working on. Also you can find people to help you co write or give you ideas
          I post:
          book titles 
          Sentence and book starters 
          (When I can, it depends on how busy I am) 
          If anyone wants the discordpit a comment on here, or I will post it up here after this message. 


Do you just wonder how much effort you are willing to put into building another platform that everyone can use, and I mean just about everyone? 
          I have sent out the discord I made to at least....... 100 people this morning and about just as many yesterday I think or maybe flat-out a hundred I don't know I wasn't counting. 
          Does anyone want the discord?