
And shout-out #310, the very last one, goes to my fellow Phantom of the Opera, Star Wars, and Bucky Barnes fan, @Em1The2Crispy3. Check out her Yelena x Bucky fanfic below:


Hey everyone, these are my last follower shout-outs, at least until I get new followers. Thanks to each and every one of you who have followed and supported me:
          Shout-out #301 goes to @theStphnieCollection. They have many short stories based around World War II. Below you can find the link to their short story collection, "Dishes and Dreamboats":

          Shout-out #302 goes to @lce2021. Check out their story, "Influence", below:

          Shout-out #303 goes to @JamieSweet_1. The link to their witchcraft romance, "Dark Human", can be found below:

          Shout-out #304 goes to my fellow Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars fan, @randitheradartech. Below is the link to their POTO/Star Wars crossover, "Passion Play":

          Shout-out #305 goes to @Theunknownauthor353. Check out her Harry Potter fanfic, "Ad Astra", below:

          Shout-out #306 goes to @Favour_shylove. Below is the link to her Bad Boy x Good Girl romance, "It All Started With a Bet":

          Shout-out #307 goes to @Contino05. Below is the link to their story, "The House of Gangsters":

          Shout-out #308 goes to @TeamNightstruck. I unfortunately don't have discord, so I can't join, but that doesn't mean my followers can't!

          Shout-out #309 @ka_ya16. Check out her story, "Pains of Mela", below:


Thank you for the shoutout!!! 


Hey everyone, Pride Month 2024 has begun, and if you're an LGBTQ+ author and/or have LGBTQ+ characters in your story, @MermaidAriel13 would like to feature you in a dedicated reading list that'll be up for the entire month. All you have to do is fill in this Google Form:

          Feel free to share this message and the link on your own profile or community as well. The more stories get featured, the better. ❤️❤️❤️


@MDjarin17 I filled out a form


I'm so sorry okay????? 


@Creativemind703 Yeah, I'll let you know when I'm done, 'cause I'm still taking my finals.


Hey buddy, when do you graduate? ❤️


Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know of a couple small changes I'm making to my stories.
          For "Guide and Guardian", Charlotte Giudicelli is 15 years old when she first comes to the Opera Populaire, making her 25 in the current time.
          And for "Love Never Dies: The Phantomess", the current time will still take place in 1900, but the main portion of the story (which is written in past tense) will now be taking place in 1870 rather than 1860. Also, if this was confusing to anyone, Nadir Khan (the Persian) is narrating the story. So if you see anything written in first person, it's from his POV.
          And thanks so much to everyone who's read "Always Faithful", which has now reached 1,000 views!! ❤️❤️❤️ To celebrate, here's a sneakpeek of the sixth chapter, which I'm currently working on:
          "Taking a deep breath, Brian shuffles into the kitchen and sets to brewing his favorite Jamaican blend, savoring the warm aroma that fills the apartment and using the black liquid to chase a pair of Aspirin. With his energy renewed and his headache subdued for the time being, Brian sets to the tedious task of cleaning the glass shards that are dispersed across the residence. An hour and several pricked fingers later, he finishes collecting the seemingly endless piles of glass and slumps onto the couch, staring at the gaping black hole in the television. Suddenly, he remembers Lyla’s lockbox, which still lies broken on the ground.
          Rising from the couch, he drifts into the bedroom and crouches beside the bed, running his fingers lightly across the smooth mahogany of the keepsake box. With a shaky breath, he pushes the lid aside and finds a single piece of paper inside."


Hey everyone, @Gothic-Writer13 is 10 followers away from 500, so head on over and give her a follow!