
Happy Mother's day to all my readers and followers who are mothers


@Melynn36 Happy Mother's Day to you too


@Melynn36 Happy Mother's Day to all 


So now that I finally got my computer all hooked up again. I am going to start working on new chapters now that I'm officially back online.


@samcrosfaith My brother bought me a new table for my computer. So now I can officially start using it again.


Hello to all my readers and followers. I know I haven't been around to update my stories in like forever. But don't worry because I'm not going to completely forget about them. I will start updating my stories as soon as I've completed at least some of my stories on fanfiction. Which were I spend most of my time on honestly. But I'm going to try update my stories more often.


@easzy458 anytime and if you do read my stories on fanfiction. I hope you will like em


@easzy458 well depends. If you're using the fanfiction app the search icon is right on top in the right corner I think it's the same on the website. But of course if you want to check out my stories on fanfiction. Here's my username: Melynn36 it's basically the same username I use here lol.


Okay so, I was trying to find this app in my app store to see if I need to update the app and it's no where to be found in my app store. It's unavailable for my tablet. Which is weird considering I still have the app installed. So if I were to delete the app, I could never get back. So with that being said I gotta make sure I don't delete the app.