
So I'm considering three things right now. I plan on setting up an update schedule. As some of you noticed I'm updating "All He Needed Was a Friend" on Wednesday's and Sunday's. Now the things I'm thinking about are a) should I continue "Every Rose has Thorns" b) continue "Only a Shadow" or c) ditch those two and start a new Harry Potter fanfic. At this time I'm not sure what you all would like so please any feed back would be awesome! Thank you and have a nice day/night!(;


Hi, I love your story “All He Needed Was a Friend”, do you plan on continuing the story seeing as it hasn’t been updated in years?


So I'm considering three things right now. I plan on setting up an update schedule. As some of you noticed I'm updating "All He Needed Was a Friend" on Wednesday's and Sunday's. Now the things I'm thinking about are a) should I continue "Every Rose has Thorns" b) continue "Only a Shadow" or c) ditch those two and start a new Harry Potter fanfic. At this time I'm not sure what you all would like so please any feed back would be awesome! Thank you and have a nice day/night!(;


Hi, I love your story “All He Needed Was a Friend”, do you plan on continuing the story seeing as it hasn’t been updated in years?


Hey there just wanted to let all of you guys who are waiting for updates in my books that I've been working on my classes. I have finals coming up and I'm preparing for them so I don't have any time to update ): I should be posting another story update in early June. Thx for your understanding. (;


In light of my ever increasing school work, I've had to make the horrible decision of postponing a story. Unfortunately so I have postponed my twilight fan fiction. I will return to it after school calms down I except to be restarting towards the beginning of June. I am aware that this is a long time but I'd like to finish this school year up with very good grades.


I want it apologize for having not updated in so long I promise an update on both stories by the end of this week thx for understanding. I have been busy with exams for the past three weeks and literally haven't been able to do anything at all! Well I don't want to bother u all with my problems I just wanted to let u know that I am in fact alive and will continue to write and update. See you later!


So I decided to do something cool (or at least I think its cool) everyone of my followers will get a chapter dedicated to them on one of my stories as my way of saying thanks for following me.  I hope you are enjoying my stories and as always if anyone has any requests let me know (:


@MiddNightRosee This is a brilliant idea and I hope you don't mind my stealing it ;)


Hello there my faithful followers and readers. I am sure you are aware of my new story that's in progress. Now I would like to throw out a way to show your preference oft writing within a few short days I will be posting a second story. That may include either an avengers fanfic or a big hero six fanfic. My verdict on which has not been decided, but I thought it was only polite to keep you posted. Have a good day!