
Hi guys! So, I have a few things to announce.
          	First things first, I've just published a new story, which is my first romcom story! It's called 'Dose of Espresso ' and it was inspired by a trending summer song (I think you guys can tell which one it is xD) I'm excited about this story, and how it will go! It is my first light-hearted romantic comedy focusing mainly on bisexual representation, so I have no idea how it will go, since I'm not super confident about being... comedic lol. 
          	I will NOT be making any promises this time, but I do hope to update weekly on Mondays or Fridays. That depends on how I'm doing and my schedule. 
          	Second thing, I'm again proud of how well Lethal Encounter is doing, especially getting on the longlist (yes, I'm mentioning it again xD). Even for a Novella that is half unedited, it's doing so much better than my first story, and it's thanks to having a supportive Wattpad community that has helped me with amazing advice! 
          	Unfortunately, I don't know when the novel version will be coming out. As of this moment, due to something that happened a week ago and the amount of issues I'm currently going through, mentally and emotionally, I'd prefer to work on the novel peacefully offline. My plan is to publish the novel as a new book and keep the novella, so don't worry, the novella is not going anywhere. I'll try to edit it when I have the time. 
          	Also, Happy Pride Month! I currently am compiling a list of LGBTQ books on my profile that I've either read, currently reading, or will read, so feel free to check it out!


Happy pride month! Hehe i know which song you mean, the new story looks fun! :> 


@MilaForLife  congrats on the new story and Happy Pride Month!


@pixelmum No problem! It's an amazing story!


Hi guys! So, I have a few things to announce.
          First things first, I've just published a new story, which is my first romcom story! It's called 'Dose of Espresso ' and it was inspired by a trending summer song (I think you guys can tell which one it is xD) I'm excited about this story, and how it will go! It is my first light-hearted romantic comedy focusing mainly on bisexual representation, so I have no idea how it will go, since I'm not super confident about being... comedic lol. 
          I will NOT be making any promises this time, but I do hope to update weekly on Mondays or Fridays. That depends on how I'm doing and my schedule. 
          Second thing, I'm again proud of how well Lethal Encounter is doing, especially getting on the longlist (yes, I'm mentioning it again xD). Even for a Novella that is half unedited, it's doing so much better than my first story, and it's thanks to having a supportive Wattpad community that has helped me with amazing advice! 
          Unfortunately, I don't know when the novel version will be coming out. As of this moment, due to something that happened a week ago and the amount of issues I'm currently going through, mentally and emotionally, I'd prefer to work on the novel peacefully offline. My plan is to publish the novel as a new book and keep the novella, so don't worry, the novella is not going anywhere. I'll try to edit it when I have the time. 
          Also, Happy Pride Month! I currently am compiling a list of LGBTQ books on my profile that I've either read, currently reading, or will read, so feel free to check it out!


Happy pride month! Hehe i know which song you mean, the new story looks fun! :> 


@MilaForLife  congrats on the new story and Happy Pride Month!


@pixelmum No problem! It's an amazing story!


The ONC longlist is out!! And Lethal Encounter made it!! I am SO HAPPY!! Lethal Encounter is my proudest work so far, and my first attempt at an Action-Romance, so this is a HUGE accomplishment! Thank you to those who have supported me on this journey! 
          And congrats to everyone else who made it onto the longlist!


@laurendoubleu Thank you!! I enjoyed reading your comments! ❤️


Hi everyone! A long announcement!
          TrustFall has been officially marked as complete, this time for real lol. It's currently undergoing heavy rewriting and editing, which I'll be doing behind the scenes. I do hope to publish the new version by the end of this year though, but that's one less project to stress so much about!
          The Lethal Encounter is my current  project, and will be expanded into a novel spanning over 80k words for sure, so I'm excited to continue working on it! I absolutely love writing about grumpy vs sunshine, with Ava and Jennie’s adventures and banter, lol! I'm proud of it, because it shows how much I've already improved!
          I've recently been chosen as a mentee in the Boot camp Mentorship program, and I'm very excited to have the opportunity to have AJ Arnault, author of the Strip in the City series, as my mentor on my other project! I definitely hope to come out of the mentorship as a much better writer!
          Thank you to everyone who left such amazing comments on Lethal Encounter! And good luck to those who submitted for Round 3 of ONC !


@ajArnault ❤️❤️Thank you for choosing me!


@milaforlife I’m so honored to be on this journey with you! ❤️


@laurendoubleu Thank you so much!! Your comments are amazing!❤️


Hi everyone! Quick announcement.
          The next chapter for TrustFall will be delayed for a few days. Instead of being released on Monday, I hope to have it published towards the end of next week. I'm so sorry about that, but with my time and personal issues that never go away, I'm just unable to do everything at the same time. I hope you guys understand!Thanks!


@MilaForLife Take care of yourself! You're working so hard, and you definitely deserve the rest! ❤️


So, change of plans lol (that's my life... Ugh)
          Bitten by the Dark will not be entering Round 3 of ONC. 
           I don't want to write a sloppy mess for it because of the deadline and everything (especially since my brain is close to burnout). I have bigger plans for the book, since writing a sapphic rivals/enemies to lovers vampire romance book is at number one on my list (after Lethal Encounter). Writing a rushed novella for Round 3 doesn't make any sense, so I'm going to work on it behind the scenes and make it a novel from the start, maybe even a series! I want it to be a huge success, and something I can be proud of.
          But, for it to pass Round 2 is a huge accomplishment for me, so I'm happy about that! 
          Also, good luck to everyone submitting for ONC Round 3! 


@laurendoubleu Thank you Lauren! ❤️ I'm definitely trying to take care of myself and loosen the work load


Aww don’t worry to much! I completely understand what it feels to write with a really tight deadline! And I hope when you continue to write to make it a series it will be a HUGE success! But congratulations on a pass on Round 2! <33


Hi everyone! 
           I've finally completed Lethal Encounter for ONC! It's at 36648 right now, so I managed to keep it under 40k after all by cutting a lot of scenes. Now I have a whole week for editing and to work on my other entry.
          So, with that being said, Wattpad is being a nuisance once again lol. From May 6, 2024, user to user private messaging will no longer be available. If you'd like to reach out to me, you can either find me on Discord or Instagram. 


@laurendoubleu THANK YOU, Lauren!! ❤️


@MilaForLife CONGRATS AGAIN!! Your work ethic is amazing! (Please take care of yourself too though! ❤️)


I'm actually surprised that 3 of my entries have passed round 2 of the ONC as well. And the news has definitely put a smile on me on my worst days lol. Things are... really hectic and awful in real life, so little things like that help a lot.
          Huge thanks to @ganbaruby for providing me with so much help in editing Lethal Encounter! She has given me a lot of feedback and suggestions, which help lighten the load of editing. Plus, it has definitely helped improve my writing. 
          My number one focus is of course completing and editing Lethal Encounter. Then hopefully I'll complete Bitten by the Dark, but unfortunately there's a 99.9% probability that I'll drop the Lucifer story because... Lol, there's no way I have time for all 3. I might have been able to do it for the 8k milestone, but 20k?...
          Congratulations to everyone else who passed round 2! 


@ganbaruby I appreciate all your help!


@Mickey_daretolove Thank you! And thank you so much for reading!❤️


Quick announcement!!
          I actually managed to complete all 3 ONC entries!! I was planning on dropping 'I Got a date with Lucifer' story, because I wasn't able to write past the 2.7k due to my health and other problems. But, thankfully I did get a little better during the last 2-3 days and after forcing myself to write, I managed to reach the 8k mark! I'm super proud of myself! I'm also exhausted, but that's life.
          Good luck to everyone else who submitted for Round 2!


            You are much welcome and  much loved!


@WendyyWolfe Thank you so much!! ❤️